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Una Práctica se ha definido como: “Una práctica política, una  práctica organizativa o una práctica clínica o asistencial encaminada a promover la utilización de conocimiento para generar valor encaminado a mejorar los resultados en salud, la eficiencia, la calidad o la satisfacción en la atención sanitaria y socio-sanitaria dirigida a pacientes con enfermedad/es crónica/as”.

  • No se considerarán prácticas las actividades formativas o informativas tales como cursos, congresos, jornadas, seminarios o conferencias.

Una vez recibida la información el equipo editorial de OPIMEC se encargará de publicarla valorando las siguientes características:

  • Consistencia: La práctica está relacionada con al menos uno de los criterios de identificación  de organizaciones  de excelencia.
  • Implementación: La práctica ha sido o está siendo puesta en marcha. No se trata de una idea o de un plan de trabajo.
  • Complementariedad: La práctica suma o multiplica iniciativas de carácter institucional o general ya establecidas, o representa una iniciativa que no existía antes en la institución o en cualquier otro entorno.
  • Innovación: La práctica debe promover la utilización de conocimiento para generar valor. El valor puede relacionarse con impacto en cualquier dominio, como el: clínico, estratégico, táctico, económico, político y académico.
United Kingdom: The NHS and Social Care Long Term Conditions Model

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The NHS and Social Care Long Term Conditions Model builds on the wealth of local and international experiences and innovations to improve the health and quality of life of those with long term conditions. The purpose of the Model is to improve the health and quality of life of those with long term conditions by providing personalised, yet systematic on-going support, based on what works best for people in NHS and social care systems. The ...
Center for Health Promotion

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The Center for Health Promotion was founded in response to the Ottawa Charter, EU public health directives and WHO recommendations. It designs national health promotion strategies and programs, and to advocacy for health. Its long-term aim is to decrease social and individual burden of disease, reduce health inequalities, improve health of the population in general, and increase quality of life and productivity for the population. Most of its efforts are preventive and focused on children ...
Summer Institute for Rural and Environmental Health

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This is a program developed in collaboration with The University of Iowa. Together they conduct a 2-week Summer Institute in Trnava, Slovakia, as part of a Fogarty International. Targeted at young Public Health professionals in the Central and Eastern European region, the program refreshes participants' knowledge, exposes them to new information and ideas, and provides networking opportunities for colleagues and collaborators from neighboring countries. Instructors include institutional collaborators, US-trained Fogarty scholars, and regional experts. In ...

Poland: Mind Your Heart

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This is an interesting example of cross-sector and cross-agency collaboration to promote preventive efforts. Poland has been celebrating World Heart Day from its very beginning. They have learnt that to be visible, their events must reach a certain critical mass to become attractive for the media. Therefore, since 2002, the Polish Cardiac Society (PCS) organized a major central event involving sponsors and applying for collaboration of major public TV outlets. Activities include presentations by heart ...
Netherlands: Covenant on Overweight and Obesity

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On January 2005 the ministers of Health, Welfare and Sport and of Education, Culture and Science agreed to a covenant on overweight and obesity. Co-signatories were the food and catering industries, employers, care insurers and sports organisations. This is worth highlighting because this is the first government to pass a law making partnerships with civil institutions a key element to solve the obesity problem.
Malta Guidelines for the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Malta has a very high prevalence of respiratory diseases. These guidelines were produced in 2002 as part of the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), in collaboration with the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the World Health Organization. It is a good example of collaboration at the national and international level, across sector boundaries to tackle an important public health and clinical issue.
RFID tagging of patients with dementia

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As an alternative to implanting electronic tracking tags in its dementia patients, the largest hospital in Luxembourg will monitor the locations of such patients using a radio frequency identification system. Hospital St. Louis has installed AeroScout Inc.'s Wi-Fi-based active RFID system to offer more protection to high-risk dementia patients. If such patients move through doors or other designated "choke points" while unaccompanied, the AeroScout Exciter tool will alert staff with real-time detection information. The ...
Lithuanian Cancer Registry

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The registration of cancer incidence in Lithuania started in 1957. Department of Epidemiology of the institute of Oncology was responsible for collection, statistical and epidemiological interpretation of data. The data covering the all country are available from 1964. The Cancer Registry as separate department of oncology center started in 1990. It becomes a member of International Association of Can–cer Registries in 1993. The main purposes of registry now are to collect data about all ...
National Guidelines for Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Type 2 Diabetes

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These guidelines were released on August 29, 2007 and provide an example of national dissemination of knowledge. The release took place at a conference attended by about 450 health care professionals – endocrinologists, general practitioners, nephrologists, cardiologists and other specialists, as well as nurses, academic staff of R?ga Stradi?š University and the University of Latvia, representatives of the medical scientific institutions, the Ministry of Health, Health Statistics and Medical Technologies State Agency, Health Compulsory ...
Italy: e-ESO

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In their effort to provide the most comprehensive educational programme, ESO has created e-ESO, an expansion of its traditional in-person programme by presenting a growing offering of online educational projects. Recorded lectures, delivered by a top specialist in the field, are followed by a multiple-choice test.