User Manual
Table of contents
- Sign up and sign in
- Oferta y estructura de contenidos abiertos al público y para usuarios registrados
- Types of users
- Languages and online translation
- Interactive maps
- OPIMEC Newsletter
- RSS Subscription
- Social Bookmarks
- Comments & Ratings
- Search
- Contents
- Innovations
- Practices
- Published practices list
- Add Practices
- Organizations
- Events
- News
- Documents
- Web Resources
- Publication Workflow
- Social Networks
- People
- Personal workspace
- My profile
- My contents
- Messages
- Preferences
- Communities of practice
- How to create a community of practice?
- Public or private communities
- Perfiles de usuarios en una comunidad de práctica
- What can I do as a community member?
- Collaborative documents
- General Information
- Legal terms
- Terms of Use
- Restrictions on Use
- Responsibility
- Publicity Policy
- Editorial Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Web Site Security
- Confidencialidad
- Quality Assurance
- Accesibility
- Access keys
- Available access keys
- Using access keys in different web browsers
- Accessibility Statement
- Validation
- Internet Browsers
- Notifications
Use the "full screen" button to increase the size of the window and you can edit better.
In the upper left, choose the format of the text by selecting from the dropdown menu:
- Paragraph: for normal text
- Chapter of the first level, second or third: to highlight the titles of the sections and build the index. Those statements that highlight in this format will automatically appear in the document index (table of contents).
Use the options Ctrl V or CMD V to paste and CtrlC / CMD C to copy, Ctrl X / CMD X to cut (in some browsers buttons doesn´t work)
Once you finish editing do not forget to save your changes by clicking the bottom left button Save or Cancel if you don´t want to save the changes.
More information here

Sign up and sign in
To qualify for the greatest number of features on the portal, the user must be registered. If user already has an account, enter username and password in the registration form.
Once the username and password have been entered, click the Login button.
If the user does not have an account yet, he can create one by clicking on Join button from which you access the user registration form. This form contains required fields (marked in red), the form shall not be sent until at least all mandatory fields are correctly filled. Once the form is submitted, the user will receive a confirmation email (the email account you have inserted on the form), containing a URL. This link takes you to a form to set the password.

Oferta y estructura de contenidos abiertos al público y para usuarios registrados
La plataforma de OPIMEC es abierta por su propia condición de haber sido desarrollada en código abierto y de seguir la filosofía de la Web 2.0. Así pues, todos sus contenidos, comentarios producidos y espacios son accesibles por cualquier usuario, registrado o no, identificado o no, a excepción de:
- Contenidos no publicados aún, debido a que se encuentran subidos a la plataforma en estado borrador o en revisión por parte del equipo editorial de OPIMEC.
- Ficheros y enlaces proporcionados por miembros de comunidades virtuales de práctica, debido al sentido de esta funcionalidad para proteger la propiedad intelectual y posibles derechos de autor de los documentos compartidos con otros miembros de una comunidad.
- Documentos colaborativos y foros de debate en comunidades virtuales de práctica que son privadas en cuanto a su visibilidad (más información).
Por otro lado, la plataforma de OPIMEC ofrece al usuario/a al darse de alta la posibilidad de:
- Disponer un espacio personal desde donde definir su perfil, enlazarlo con otras redes profesionales y acceder directamente a sus contenidos, comentarios, comunidades y documentos colaborativos.
- Crear o sumarse a comunidades virtuales de práctica, desde donde puede crear y participar en el desarrollo de documentos colaborativos, compartir ficheros y enlaces internamente con otros miembros, comunicarse con otros miembros y abrir o participar en debates generados a través de foros.
Con respecto a subir contenidos a OPIMEC, es necesario darse de alta, con el fin de evitar SPAM y poder contactar con la persona que sube el contenido. Una vez subido el contenido, éste es revisado por el equipo editorial, quien lo publica finalmente.
Lo anterior le permite al usuario/a disponer de un espacio en Internet a través de OPIMEC desde donde trabajar colaborativamente y desde donde compartir y difundir su conocimiento y experiencias, ya que está muy bien posicionado en buscadores como Google.

Types of users
Creators/ Editors
Any user log in OPIMEC can be content creator/editor, the content creator/editor can modify and delete any content created by him/her.
The creators/editors can select any OPIMEC user to participate in creating/editing content, when a creator/editor selects a partner, has automatically the same rights as a creator/editor.

RSS Subscription
- What is RSS?
- RSS availables
- Where can we get RSS Readers?
- How do we know that a Web offers syndicated content?
What is RSS?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format for content distribution over the Internet. They are used to alert the user when a section of the website has added new information. In this way the user does not have to watch the content on that page again, but who is the RSS updates and sends that information to your readers. In addition the user has the option to select the RSS feeds. The RSS has an owner, a description of the content and a link to access the section of the Web with more information.
RSS Availables
The Observatory of Innovative Practices for Chronic Disease Management offers through syndicated content updates of all our sections.
- RSS-Highlights
- RSS-Practices
- RSS-Organizations
- RSS-News
- RSS-Events
- RSS-Documents
- RSS-Web Resources
- RSS-Persons
- RSS-Global
Where can we get RSS readers?
A RSS reader is a software that converts the bits and bytes that make up a syndicated content and turns it into text readable by users. There are many RSS readers to choose from, both free and paid. Some of these are,
From a a reader or RSS aggregator
There are many readers who allow read the latest information incorporated into different sections, among others:
From your browser
Some browsers (like Firefox or Internet Explorer 7) allow you to view and subscribe to RSS feeds offered by various Web sites. One of the many lists of RSS readers can be found.
One of the many lists of RSS readers can be found in
How do we know that a Web offers syndicated content?
Any Web site showing the orange RSS icon provides syndicated content to which you can subscribe.

Published practices list
To access to list of published practices, you have to click on th Practices section.
Clicking on practice title, the user can access the information that each practice contains.
The user can click on map button, and the map indicates the exact location of each practice.
Clicking on map bubles, we can get a practice brief information.
Add Practices
This section is being developed

Perfiles de usuarios en una comunidad de práctica
- Creador es aquel que crea la comunidad y tiene privilegios como administrador de la comunidad, puede administrar los miembros, comenzar hilos de debate en el foro, crear documentos colaborativos, subir ficheros y enlaces a la comunidad.
- Los miembros de la comunidad son los que selecciona y administra el creador y pueden debatir en los hilos del foro, comentar y valorar en los documentos colaborativos que estén publicados y subir ficheros y enlaces a la comunidad.
- Los creadores pueden nombrar a administradores, los administradores pueden hacer las mismas tareas que el creador.

General Information
The information provided on OPIMEC are illustrative only, and not give rise to rights or future entitlements.
This site has been designed for easy reference by all users in any browser or device with Internet connection, but it is recommended to use the browsers Firefox or Internet Explorer 7, to download the latest versions please go to Firefox and Internet Explorer Website.
Minimum screen resolution for proper display should be 1024x768.
The Web site OPIMEC in some cases requires that JavaScript is enabled in your browser, also requires the Adobe Flash Player to see the presentation which can be found in OPIMEC flash presentation.
To download some of the documents you need Adobe Reader which can be found on the website of Adobe, there are also documents in standard formats of Office that only works if you have installed the specific programs.
The information provided in the Observatory of Innovative Practices for Complex Chronic Diseases Management has been raised to support, not replace, the direct relationship to the patients / visitors of this website and your doctor if you have health problems, consult your doctor.

Legal terms
The information contained in the following paragraphs shows he conditions and terms of use of the platform.
As a registered user, you have to accept these terms and conditions of use that are binding, while reserving the Consejería de Salud the right to modify them.
The Consejería de Salud is the owner of all intellectual property rights and property of content accessible from the Web page.
The user can not access the Web page so that it could damage, deterioration, disabled or overburdened services and / or information provided, it can not interfere with the use of such services and / or information by other third parties may not attempt to access or access sites, services, computer systems or networks connected without authorization or identification when it is mandatory for access, either through acts of intrusion (hacking) or by any other unauthorized.

Terms of Use
The services and information provided by the website are completely free.
The Consejería de Salud reserves the right to modify the conditions or terms of use website without prior notice. The information provided in the Observatory of Innovative Practices for Complex Chronic Diseases Management has been raised to support, not replace, the direct relationship to patients / visitors of this website and your doctor if you have health problems, consult your doctor.
The use of the website is governed by Spanish law and by the content of this legal notice. Any dispute arising from the interpretation, performance and / or use, will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals.
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons. We also have an ISBN number 978-84-692-6836-0.

The Consejería de Salud is not responsible in any way for any damages that may be caused by a third party users of the Web page as a result of illegal or inappropriate use of it, nor as a result of content and information accessible or available through it, or sites linked to it. Those responsible will be users or third parties causing the damage.
The Consejería de Salud is not responsible for the content of the pages of links that, by not exercising any control over them, as well as changes of ownership, which may cause access to pages of unwanted, inappropriate or offensive.
The Consejería de Salud does not guarantee the absence of virus in the services and content of the website, whether provided directly or through third parties, including connections through links, so it will not be liable for any damages that may be cause as a result of the existence of such virus.

Publicity Policy
The Observatory of Innovative Practices for Chronic Diseases Management is advertising policy thoroughness in the handling of information for dissemination in the health field.
In any event, this project includes banner ads for services or products, or receive any funding from advertising.
The Observatory of Innovative Practices for Chronic Diseases Management reserves the right not to publish advertisements on your site to oppose one of the tasks of the project is to facilitate access to material that contributes to the end of it.
The Observatory of Innovative Practices for Chronic Diseases Management offers its users links to other Web sites that meet quality criteria, but is not responsible for the material or policies of other websites. The Observatory of Innovative Practices for Chronic Diseases Management monitors the quality of the information and documents posted on its website, but is not responsible for the misuse of it or of any other third party.
Our website does not host advertisement banners or sponsored links.

Editorial Policy
OPIMEC project is promoted by the Directorate General of Health Planning and Innovation (DGPeIS) of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Andalusia. OPIMEC development of actions have been identified in OPIMEC maintain a leadership position in the field of complex chronic diseases, preserve and promote a culture of continuous improvement, efficiency, excellence and innovation, and develop and promote participation of people , teams and organizations.
These actions raised the creation of an editorial team to guide and support OPIMEC to ensure scientific and technical quality of its content and the participation of the Community.
In this sense, this proposal attempts to define the functions, organization and composition of the editorial team.
The two main functions to be performed by the editorial team are:
i. Definition and support on the identification, selection and display of OPIMEC content
ii. Defining and supporting the creation and revitalization of the OPIMEC Community.
The content editing circuit is proposed: the editorial team would receive the content to be submitted for publication by OPIMEC members, declare its acceptance or rejection in the first instance, would select external reviewers in the case of practices and organizations , and ultimately decide its publication or not.
Would require the power to order and content for publication, which does not release that are reviewed by external reviewers.
The editorial team members and organizations that present practices for web publishing of OPIMEC not eligible for review. The outcome of the review will be made public and if positive will determine its immediate publication. In case of refusal or absence of consensus, the Executive Committee who will decide on its publication or definifiva.
The relations between creators, reviewers, readers and members of Team OPIMEC editorial remit.
The editorial team should be guided by protocols established and their own judgments about unforeseen issues, taking its decisions by a majority of its members. In case of urgency, the project coordinator may decide on the contents of the Web.
The editorial board is a body that is autonomous in its fields of competence, but must report their activity to the Executive Committee OPIMEC.
The editorial team members must be discharged in OPIMEC platform. Form a team which will have a Community OPIMEC semi shared work space ( This space will be boosted by the editorial team coordinator with the support of the person managing the Web.

Data Protection Policy
The processing of personal data of users of the Web page you can register in any circumstance is made in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
Also recognizing the users' rights of access, cancellation, modification, opposition and to be informed beforehand in case of transfer of data.
Also recognizing the users'rights of access, cancellation, rectification, opposition and be informed in advance in case of transfer of data.
View legislation concerning on information collected, Orden de 5 de marzo de 2009, por la que se crean ficheros con datos de carácter personal de la Dirección General de Innovación Sanitaria, Sistemas y Tecnologías.
Any information collected by our website, such as email, address, will never be passed on to any third party, unless required by law.
Currently we are using Google Analytics to analyze the audience of the website and improve our content. No personal information is collected from Google Analytics. For further information on the privacy policy concerning Google Analytics, please go here,

Actualmente estamos utilizando Google Analytics para analizar la audiencia del sitio web y mejorar nuestro contenido. No se recopila ninguna información personal a través de Google Analytics. Para obtener más información sobre la política de privacidad de Google Analytics, por favor pulse aquí

This site has been designed to be accessible and usable, according to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG v1.0). If any element on this site concerning to accessibility or validation is not according to standards, please contact us.
Access keys
Access keys are a navigation device enabling you to get around this web site using your keyboard. In-depth information about access keys can be found at W3C Accessibility Guidelines.
Available access keys
This site uses a setup that closely matches most international recomendations in access keys. These are:
- 1 — Home Page
- 2 — Skip to content
- 3 — Site Map
- 4 — Search field focus
- 5 — Advanced Search
- 6 — Site navigation tree
- 9 — Contact information
- 0 — Access Key details
Using access keys in different web browsers
- Internet Explorer (Windows)
- Hold down the Alt key, press the number or letter of the access key, release both keys then press ENTER.
- Firefox (Windows)
- Hold down the Alt key and press the number or letter of the access key.
- Firefox (Mac OS X)
- Hold down the Ctrl key and press the number or letter of the access key.
- Safari (Mac OS X)
- Hold down the Ctrl key and press the number or letter of the access key.
- Konqueror (Linux)
- Press and release the Ctrl key, then press the number or letter of the access key.
Accessibility Statement
We have undertaken to use our knowledge and understanding of the ways in which different people access the Internet, to develop a web site that is clear and simple for everybody to use.
We have used XHTML 1.0 and CSS that conforms to specification, as laid out by th W3C because we believe that usability and accessibility must have a solid foundation. If anything on this web site does not validate correctly, please contact the Site Administration, and not to Djando team.
We have also endeavoured to achieve A accessibility as measured against version 1.0 of the WCAG. We are aware however, that a number of the checkpoints of the WCAG are subjective-and although we are sure that we have met them squarely, there may be instances where interpretarion may vary.
last modified: 15/02/2023 11:20