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OPIMEC procesa y disemina a través de un mapa y de un directorio innovaciones en la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas.

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Una Práctica se ha definido como: “Una práctica política, una  práctica organizativa o una práctica clínica o asistencial encaminada a promover la utilización de conocimiento para generar valor encaminado a mejorar los resultados en salud, la eficiencia, la calidad o la satisfacción en la atención sanitaria y socio-sanitaria dirigida a pacientes con enfermedad/es crónica/as”.

  • No se considerarán prácticas las actividades formativas o informativas tales como cursos, congresos, jornadas, seminarios o conferencias.

Una vez recibida la información el equipo editorial de OPIMEC se encargará de publicarla valorando las siguientes características:

  • Consistencia: La práctica está relacionada con al menos uno de los criterios de identificación  de organizaciones  de excelencia.
  • Implementación: La práctica ha sido o está siendo puesta en marcha. No se trata de una idea o de un plan de trabajo.
  • Complementariedad: La práctica suma o multiplica iniciativas de carácter institucional o general ya establecidas, o representa una iniciativa que no existía antes en la institución o en cualquier otro entorno.
  • Innovación: La práctica debe promover la utilización de conocimiento para generar valor. El valor puede relacionarse con impacto en cualquier dominio, como el: clínico, estratégico, táctico, económico, político y académico.
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)

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On March 29 2004, Ireland became the first country in the world to completely ban smoking in all workplaces. The idea was initially met with much skepticism, as the Irish traditionally had a worldwide image as a land of drinkers and smokers. However, the ban has been a huge success. Cigarettes sales have fallen by as much as 60% in Pubs. A survey by the Irish Department of Health showed 82% supported the ban. Anti-smoking ...
Hungary: MOdel BAsed Predictive Chronic Disease Management - (MOBAP-CDM)

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This is a consortium that seeks to develop, and integrate ICT technologies into a unified system to allow: (1) personalized health and disease management, (2) the increase of the patients’ responsibility concerning their own health, (3) the improvement of the quality of chronic disease treatment, (4) efficiency increase in the operation of the health care institution in financial and professional terms, and (5) continuous professional development of the care personnel.
Greece: Clinical Trials and Evidence-Based Medicine Unit

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This Department is one of the most prolific in the world in terms of research on methodology and bias. It integrates traditional disciplines such as epidemiology, social medicine and public health with cutting edge domains such as molecular research and evidence-based medicine.
Germany: ACHSE (The German Alliance for Chronic Rare Diseases)

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EURORDIS is a non-governmental patient-driven alliance of patient organisations and individuals active in the field of rare diseases, dedicated to improving the quality of life of all people living with rare diseases in Europe. It was founded in 1997; it is supported by its members and by the French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM), the European Commission, corporate foundations and the health industry. EURORDIS represents more than 260 rare disease organisations in over 30 different countries ...
France: French System for Patients with Chronic Respiratory Insufficiency

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La fédération Association Nationale pour le Traitement á Domicile de l'Insuffisance Respiratoire Chronique (ANTADIR), the national French system for CRI patients, was proposed in a 1978 study written by Andre Ludot and established under his direction in 1980. The national organization was proposed as a way to observe the results (by establishing a national observatory), to establish more uniform services across the nation (through the development of additional regional associations), and to provide several ...
The Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study

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The Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS) was the first in the world to demonstrate that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by modification of eating habits and physical activity. The study showed that fibre-rich whole-grain products can help reduce the risk of diabetes among adults. There is a pioneering study about the link between genes and the effect of a cereal-rich diet among people at risk of diabetes. The Finnish study has shown that drinking ...
Estonia: CHOosing Interventions that are Cost Effective (CHOICE) Project

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This project describes innovative methodology, following WHO guidelines, to evaluate the economic impact of several interventions on mental health. The measurement of the effectiveness of an intervention is given in life years gained, years which originally were lost due to disease related premature death or decrease in life quality.
Czech Republic: Healthy throughout Life (National Policy)

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As the central authority for health care in Denmark, the National Board of Health contributes, through monitoring, supervision, administration and development to ensuring a high quality and efficiency within prevention and treatment so as to improve the possibilities for a healthy lifestyle for citizens in Denmark.
Czech Republic: The Czech registry of renal biopsies

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In 1993, nephrologists from 12 leading centres in the Czech Republic established a national registry of biopsies of native kidneys recording histopathological, clinical and laboratory data. The Czech Registry of Renal Biopsies (CRRB) has been working continuously since 1994 and the number of participating renal units has risen to 28, representing nearly all Czech renal units currently performing renal biopsy. Full reference: Rychlík I et al. The Czech registry of renal biopsies. Occurrence of renal ...
Belgium: Belgian Diabetes Registry

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Since its foundation in 1989, the Belgian Diabetes Registry or BDR has evolved to a national network of physicians, researchers and their teams, all collaborating in scientific research on diabetes. The primary task of the BDR is to collect data from patients with diabetes and their relatives with the ultimate goal of improving treatment, of finding cure and preventive treatment of the disease. The BDR has the following specific goals: - to determine the occurrence of ...