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Czech Republic: The Czech registry of renal biopsies

jessievenegas Jessie Venegas — 1/04/2008

In 1993, nephrologists from 12 leading centres in the Czech Republic established a national registry of biopsies of native kidneys recording histopathological, clinical and laboratory data. The Czech Registry of Renal Biopsies (CRRB) has been working continuously since 1994 and the number of participating renal units has risen to 28, representing nearly all Czech renal units currently performing renal biopsy. Full reference: Rychlík I et al. The Czech registry of renal biopsies. Occurrence of renal diseases in the years 1994–2000. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2004 19(12):3040-3049

Full reference: Rychlík I et al. The Czech registry of renal biopsies. Occurrence of renal diseases in the years 1994–2000. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2004 19(12):3040-3049



Srobarova 50, 10034 Prague 10, The Czech Republic.



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