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OPIMEC procesa y disemina a través de un mapa y de un directorio innovaciones en la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas.

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Una Práctica se ha definido como: “Una práctica política, una  práctica organizativa o una práctica clínica o asistencial encaminada a promover la utilización de conocimiento para generar valor encaminado a mejorar los resultados en salud, la eficiencia, la calidad o la satisfacción en la atención sanitaria y socio-sanitaria dirigida a pacientes con enfermedad/es crónica/as”.

  • No se considerarán prácticas las actividades formativas o informativas tales como cursos, congresos, jornadas, seminarios o conferencias.

Una vez recibida la información el equipo editorial de OPIMEC se encargará de publicarla valorando las siguientes características:

  • Consistencia: La práctica está relacionada con al menos uno de los criterios de identificación  de organizaciones  de excelencia.
  • Implementación: La práctica ha sido o está siendo puesta en marcha. No se trata de una idea o de un plan de trabajo.
  • Complementariedad: La práctica suma o multiplica iniciativas de carácter institucional o general ya establecidas, o representa una iniciativa que no existía antes en la institución o en cualquier otro entorno.
  • Innovación: La práctica debe promover la utilización de conocimiento para generar valor. El valor puede relacionarse con impacto en cualquier dominio, como el: clínico, estratégico, táctico, económico, político y académico.
Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum: Chronic Care Standards

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The Quality Forum is committed to improving the quality of health and health care for everyone in Louisiana, whether they have private insurance, government insurance or no insurance at all. The Forum, based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is a private, nonprofit organization formed as part of the post-Katrina effort to rebuild the health care system in hurricane-affected areas of the state. The forum focuses on short-term recovery and long-term system redesign. A 13-person volunteer board ...
The Indiana Chronic Disease Management Program

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The Indiana Chronic Disease Management Program (ICDMP) was developed through a joint effort between the Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy & Planning and the Indiana State Department of Health and implemented in June 2003. The program deals with Diabetes, Asthma, Congestive Heart Failure Stroke, AIDS and HIV cases. The goals of the ICDMP: • Build a sustainable comprehensive, locally based infrastructure • Strengthen the existing public health infrastructure • Help improve quality of health care ...
K?kua Mau

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End-of-life care work in Hawai‘i is truly unique, innovative & collaborative. K?kua Mau is a statewide partnership of over 250 individuals and organizations working with the general public and with the leaders of healthcare and government to strengthen partnerships and improve the way in which the people of Hawai‘i are cared for at the end of their lives. The program offers valuable resources for health professionals and the public to handle most of the ...

SOURCE: Service Options Using Resources in a Community Environment

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Service Options Using Resources in a Community Environment (SOURCE) is a State Plan enhanced primary care case management program that serves frail elderly and disabled beneficiaries to improve the health outcomes of persons with chronic health conditions, by linking primary medical care with home and community-based services. The program builds on the state’s primary care case management program, George Better Health Care Program (GBHC). SOURCE integrates primary medical care with supportive services through case managers ...


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The Medicaid Provider Access System (MediPass) is a primary care case management program for Medicaid recipients developed and administered by Florida Medicaid. MediPass was established in 1991 to assure adequate access to coordinated primary care while decreasing the inappropriate utilization of medical services. In MediPass, each participating Medicaid recipient selects or is assigned a health care provider who furnishes primary care services, 24-hour access to care and referral and authorization for specialty services and hospital ...
Health Care Rights Project

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The Center for Medicare Advocacy is a national non-partisan education and advocacy organization that identifies and promotes policy and advocacy solutions to ensure that elders and people with disabilities have access to Medicare and quality health care. The Center represents thousands of individuals in appeals of Medicare denials at all levels of the administrative process. They also provide advice to attorneys and other advocates in their representation of Medicare beneficiaries through the Medicare appeals process ...
Postdischarge Telephone Followup With Chronic Disease Patients Reduces Hospitalizations, Emergency Department Visits, and Costs

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Kaiser Permanente Colorado Region’s (KPCO) chronic care coordination program employs coordinators to provide telephone-based support to patients recently discharged from the hospital or a skilled nursing facility (SNF) and to other high-risk enrollees. Coordinators identify care needs, help individuals develop self-management skills, and ensure access to needed clinical and social services. The program has led to significant reductions in hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits, resulting in an estimated $4 million in savings to KPCO ...

Disease Management Programs for uninsured and underinsured, low-income patients with diabetes, asthma, and heart failure

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The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services has implemented disease management programs for uninsured and underinsured, low-income patients with diabetes, asthma, and heart failure who have historically not had access to this type of care and support. The program uses a proactive approach to identify and stratify the population into 3 groups based on their risk profile, with each group receiving services tailored to their needs. • The low-risk group: have a single, relatively straightforward ...
Sutter Care Coordination Program

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The Sutter Care Coordination Program combines chronic care and disease management to address the medical and psychosocial needs of individuals with multiple chronic conditions. The program reduced patient visits to specialists by 12.7 percent, emergency department (ED) visits by 25.9 percent, and hospitalizations by 18.3 percent. Because the program’s sponsor, Sutter Health Sacramento-Sierra, serves many patients on a capitation basis, much of the savings achieved through avoided medical costs are shared ...
Evercare Solutions for Caregivers

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Evercare™ Solutions for Caregivers is a national care management service that seeks to provide expert advice and help guide patients’ families through the complexity of choices to best manage the changing medical and non-medical needs. In-person evaluations can be performed to determine a plan of care and assist in coordination of services. Evercare programs are evidence based. In this area ever care completed the first ever, comprehensive national study to explore the lives of caregivers ...