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Observatory of Innovative Practices for Complex Chronic Diseases Management (OPIMEC)

andrescabrera Andrés Cabrera León — 24/11/2008


OPIMEC is a proyect promoted by the General Health Innovation, Systems and Technology Direction of Andalusian Health Ministry, with the collaboration of Dr. Alejandro Jadad, through Foresight Links Corporation, IAVANTE Foundation, and Andalusian Public Health School. This project responds to the need to create and establish an Observatory and Web tool which allow health professionals and general public to access Organizations and Practices related to Chronic diseases management, easing the continous improvement of quality in health care.

Diabetes, Heart failure, Oncological diseases, Dementia, COPD, Asthma, Cerebro-vascular disease, AIDS, Rheumatic disease and osteoarticular, Advanced chronic kidney disease, Fragility, pluripathology/polipathology and/or complex chronic diseases, All, Rare Diseases, Mental illness, Vasculitis and Systemic autoimmune diseases, Hip Fracture, Hepatitis C, Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Goals Prevention:
Funding for detection programs , Creates healthy environments , Promotes health and wellbeing in schools and early years , Promotes adecuate understanding levels on the community about the importance of prevention , Focuses on social inequalities
Goals Detection:
Advances public education on the importance of early detection , Shows new evidence on the importance of early detection, including guidelines of effective practices , Provides registries and patients contact systems , Promotes early intervention through primary health care measures
Goals Treatment:
Develop basic elements for an integrated health system , Provides support health policies to facilitate the planning and integration at locally and regionally , Strengthens cooperative local groups to provide integral services , Improving access to health services across the entire spectrum, from prevention to treatment , Ensures the best quality of health services , Promotes the appropriate use of medicines , Promotes the training of health professionals , It facilitates the management by processes , Emphasizes the care of pluri-pathological and fragile patients , Promotes electronic health information systems to improve the quality of care
Goals self-management:
Refocuses the health system to support self-management , Promotes patient involvement in planning services , Improving support services with an emphasis on peer support, the disabled and carers , Allows home care , Allows remote support to patients and their carers from health professionals


Ver Ponencias Alejandro Jadad

Ponencia Alejandro Jadad Sub 1de2

Ponencia Alejandro Jadad Sub 2de2







Practices Map
Observatorio Kroniker (Bilbao) Practice
Complex Chronic Disease Taxonomy Collaborative document
User Manual Collaborative document
I Congreso Nacional de Atención Sanitaria al Paciente Crónico Event Item
XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Andaluza de Calidad Asistencial (SADECA) Event Item
XIII Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration Congress(SESPAS) 2009 Event Item
Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre Málaga 2008 Event Item
Modelos conceptuales sobre la Gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Collaborative document
Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública (EASP) Organization
XIV Congreso Sociedad Andaluza de Calidad Asistencial (SADECA) Event Item
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La "Web" social de los enfermos News Item
Forum «Care quality for people with complex chronic diseases: new opportunities and challenges» Event Item
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http://flic.kr/s/aHsjr6feBi Foro "Calidad de la atención a personas con múltiples enfermedades crónicas: nuevas oportunidades y desafíos"
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PRESENTACIONES de la Mesa de Estratificación de riesgos en personas con enfermedades crónicas. SEMFYC: Granada, 6-8 de junio de 2013 Event Item



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Inmaculada Fuertes Guerrero
07/05/2017 20:48
Los enfermos crónico pluripatológicos tienen una alta prevalencia siendo importante su prevención, intervención temprana, tratamiento integrado multidisciplinar y autogestión por parte del paciente.