The concept of multimorbidity has attracted growing interest over recent years, and more latterly with the publication of specific guidelines on multimorbidity by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
The use of multiple medicines, known as polypharmacy, poses a risk of harm that is greatest in older adults with multimorbidity. Deprescribing aims to improve health outcomes through ceasing medicines that are no longer necessary or appropriate due to changing clinical circumstances and patient priorities.
Multimorbidity and the associated use of multiple medicines (polypharmacy), is common in the older population. Despite this, there is no consensus definition for polypharmacy. A systematic review was conducted to identify and summarise polypharmacy definitions in existing literature.
Telephone assistance is a common practice in neurology, although there are only a few studies about this type of healthcare. We have evaluated a Telephone Assistance System (TAS) for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) from 2 points of view: financially and according to the level of satisfaction of the caregiver.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, el Distrito Sanitario Aljarafe-Sevilla Norte y su Hospital de Referencia (Consorcio Sanitario Público del Aljarafe-Hospital San Juan de Dios), construido con esta perspectiva de continuidad y atención integral, lideran un Programa de Atención a Pacientes Crónicos Complejos (Programa COMPARTE.) El programa desde Abril del 2009 prioriza esta línea de trabajo, planificando una asistencia compartida entre diferentes profesionales sanitarios y diferentes niveles.
Nuestro Programa está orientado a la continuidad asistencial ...
The aimed to in-depth analyse the Integrated Care Programme for older in- and out-patients implemented for more than 25 years at the Hospital Universitario de Getafe, in Madrid, Spain. We identify the strengths and barriers hindering the full operation, and we proposed a technological solution that overcame these constraints and facilitated integration.
El cuidado de la enfermedad crónica a todas las edades representa un problema social y de salud pública en aumento. En España, debido a la insuficiente cobertura estatal, cerca del 80% de los cuidados de larga duración los realiza la red social del enfermo.
In May 2015 the World Health Organization published a Technical Note on how WHO will report in 2017 to the United Nations General Assembly on the progress achieved in the implementation of national commitments included in the 2011 UN Political Declaration and the 2014 UN Outcome Document on NCDs. The Technical Note was updated in September 2017 to ensure alignment with the updated set of WHO ‘best-buys’ and other recommended interventions for the prevention and ...
Health system responsiveness is an important aspect of health systems performance. The concept of responsiveness relates to the interpersonal and contextual aspects of health care. While disease management programs (DMPs) aim to improve the quality of health care (e.g. by improving the coordination of care), it has not been analyzed yet whether these programs improve the perceived health system responsiveness.
Información de apoyo a gestores, investigadores, profesionales de la salud y a pacientes y cuidadoras, que trabajan en la en la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas, e incluye publicaciones como artículos, informes, modelos de gestión, estudios y legislación relacionados con la materia. En esta sección se incluyen algunas publicaciones que pueden no ser de libre acceso (propiedad intelectual), y cuya inclusión en OPIMEC está basada en el derecho de cita y con referencia a la fuente original.
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