- The Western Sydney Integrated Care Program (WSICP): Qualitative Evaluation
The ageing population together with an increasing prevalence of chronic conditions require a systems wide integrated approach to health care. This includes overcoming barriers between primary and secondary care, physical and mental health, and health and social care in order to provide patient centred care. In Australia, the New South Wales Ministry of Health is piloting an innovative Integrated Care Program in Western Sydney, foccussed on care facilitator roles to coordinate patient care between General ...
- Operationalizing mHealth to improve patient care: a qualitative implementation science evaluation of the WelTel texting intervention in Canada and Kenya
Mobile health (mHealth) applications have proliferated across the globe with much enthusiasm, although few have reached scale and shown public health impact. In this study, they explored how different contextual factors influenced the implementation, effectiveness and potential for scale-up of welTel, an easy-to-use and evidence-based mHealth intervention. WelTel uses two-way SMS communication to improve patient adherence to medication and engagement in care, and has been developed and tested in Canada and Kenya.
- Approaches towards improving the quality of maternal and newborn health services in South Asia: challenges and opportunities for healthcare systems
South Asia is experiencing a dismal state of maternal and newborn health (MNH) as the region has been falling behind in reducing the levels of maternal and neonatal mortality. Most of the efforts are focused on enhancing coverage of MNH services; however, quality remains a serious concern if the region is to achieve expected outcomes in terms of standardised MNH services within healthcare delivery systems. This research consists of a review of south Asian quality ...
- Analyze and improve the patient flow in hospital environments, with improved layout different sectors: A case study of Shahid Beheshti hospital, Iran
Hospital officials are looking to reduce traffic on the hospital wards. The less congestion on the ward, cause that the staff work by more quality and freely also patients are waiting less. As a result it is easier to treat the patients. One of the most effective ways to reduce the patient traffic is changing the layout of the hospital. In this study, changing the layout of the hospital was explore by a case study ...
- Novel tool for deprescribing in chronic patients with multimorbidity: List of evidence-based deprescribing for chronic patients criteria
- The main aim of this article is to create a tool to identify drugs and clinical situations that offers an opportunity of deprescribing in patients with multimorbidity.
- An Evaluation of the Role of an Intermediate Care Facility in the Continuum of Care in Western Cape, South Africa
A comprehensive primary healthcare (PHC) approach requires clear referral and continuity of care pathways. South Africa is a lower- middle income country (LMIC) that lacks data on the role of intermediate care (IC) services in the health system. This study described the model of service provision at one facility in Cape Town, including reason for admission, the mix of services and skills provided and needed, patient satisfaction, patient outcome and articulation with other services across ...
- Towards Patient-Centered Conflicts of Interest Policy
Financial conflicts of interest exist between industry and physicians, and these relationships have the power to incluence physicians´medical practice. Transparency about conflicts matters for ensuring adequate informed consent, controlling healthcare expenditure, and encouraging physicians´reflection on professionalism. The US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) launched the Open Payments Program (OPP) to publicly disclose and bring transparency to the relationships between industry and physicians in the United States. These changes considerably improve transparency and the ...
- How to assess and prepare health systems in low- and middle-income countries for integration of services—a systematic review
Despite growing support for integration of frontline services, a lack of information about the pre-conditions necessary to integrate such services hampers the ability of policy makers and implementers to assess how feasible or worthwhile integration may be, especially in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). This article adopted a modified systematic review with aspects of realist review, including quantitative and qualitative studies that incorporated assessment of health system preparedness for capacity to implement integrated services ...
- Good collaborative practice: reforming capacity building governance of international health research partnerships
In line with the policy objetives of the United Nations sustainable Development Goals, this commentary seeks to examine the extent which provisions of international health research guidance promote capacity building and equitable partnerships in global health research. Theri evaluation finds that governance of collaborative research partnership, in resource- constrained settigns is limited but has improved with the implementation guidance of the International Ethical Guidelines for Health- related Research Involving Humans by The Council for International ...
- Multimorbidity and Decision-Making Preferences Among Older Adults.
- The purpose of this article is the understanding individuals' preferences for participating in health care decisions is foundational to delivering person-centered care.They aimed to explore preferences for health care decision making among older adults, and identify multimorbidity profiles associated with preferring less active, ie, passive, participation among older US adults.
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