- Does supportive supervision enhance community health worker motivation? A mixed-methods study in four African countries
Supportive supervision is an important element of community health worker (CHW) programmes and is believed to improve CHW motivation and performance. A group supervision intervention, which included training and mentorship of supervisors, was implemented in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique. In three of the countries, this was combined with individual and/or peer supervision. A mixed-methods implementation study was conducted to assess the effect of the supervision intervention on CHWs’ perceptions of supervision and CHW ...
- Using concept mapping to identify policy options and interventions towards people- centred health care services: a multi stakeholders perspective
People-centred health care (PCC) services are identified by the WHO as important building blocks towards universal health coverage. In 2016 the WHO formulated a comprehensive framework on integrated PCC services based on an international expert consultation. Yet, expert opinions may fail to recognize the needs of all health system stakeholders. Therefore, a consultation method that includes the health workforce and laypersons, can be instrumental to elaborate this framework more in-depth. This research sought to identify ...
- Universal health coverage necessitates a system approach: an analysis of Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) initiative in Ghana
The 9th Global conference on health promotion (Shanghai 2016) reaffirmed the role of primary health care (PHC) in achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Gaining much international recognition, the community-based health planning and services (CHPS) initiative is considered one of the pragmatic strategy in delivering on the promise of universal health coverage (UHC) through the PHC strategy, in Ghana. Yet, certain key factors threaten its successes – renewing the relevance of this study to present ...
- Evaluation and learning in complex, rapidly changing health systems: China’s management of health sector reform
Healthcare systems are increasingly recognised as complex, in which a range of non-linear and emergent behaviours occur. China’s healthcare system is no exception. The hugeness of China, and the variation in conditions in different jurisdictions present very substantial challenges to reformers, and militate against adopting one-size-fits-all policy solutions. As a consequence, approaches to change management in China have frequently emphasised the importance of sub-national experimentation, innovation, and learning. Multiple mechanisms exist within the government structure ...
- Una revisión integradora de posibles facilitadores y barreras para acceder a los servicios de salud mental en Ghana
La importancia del tratamiento de salud mental accesible es una preocupación mundial, particularmente cuando una de cada cinco personas experimentará un problema de salud mental en su vida. Esto no es menos importante en Ghana; sin embargo, ningún estudio ha intentado evaluar y sintetizar los posibles facilitadores y barreras para acceder a los servicios en Ghana. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta revisión integradora es identificar y sintetizar la evidencia existente sobre las barreras ...
- Evaluating Health in All Policies; Comment on “Developing a Framework for a Program Theory-Based Approach to Evaluating Policy Processes and Outcomes: Health in All Policies in South Australia”
Health in All Policies (HiAP) has gained attention as a potential tool to address complex health and societal challenges at global, regional, national and subnational levels. In a recent article, Lawless et al propose an evaluation framework developed in the context of the South Australia HiAP initiative. Strategies, mediators, activities and impacts identified in the framework could potentially be useful for evaluating HiAP in other settings. Creating and sustaining political will, managing conflicts of interest ...
- The case for a global focus on multiple chronic conditions
One in three adults globally suffers from multiple chronic conditions (MCC). This figure is closer to three out of four in older adults living in developed countries and is predicted to rise dramatically, with the proportion of patients with four or more diseases almost doubling between 2015 and 2035 in the UK.
- Identification of influencing factors and strategies to improve communication between general practitioners and community nurses: a qualitative focus group study
As the number of patients with complex healthcare needs grows, inter-professionaal collaboration between primary care professionals must be constantly optimized. General practitioners (GPs) and community nurses (CNs) are key professions in primary care; however, poor GP-CN communication is common, and research into the factors influencing its quality is limited.
- Using Complexity and Network Concepts to Inform Healthcare Knowledge Translation
Many representations of the movement of healthcare knowledge through society exist, and multiple models for the translation of evidence into policy and practice have been articulated. Most are linear or cyclical and very few come dose to reflecting the dense and intricate relationships, systems and politicis of organizations and the processes required to enact sustainable improvements. This study illustrates how using complexity and network concepts can better inform knowledge translation (KT) and argue that changing ...
- Translating the Elements of Health Governance for Integrated Care from Theory to Practice: A Case Study Approach
Against a paucity of evidence, a model describing elements of health governance best suited to achieving integrated care internationally was developed. The aim of this study was to explore how health meso-level organizations used, or planned to use, the governance elements.
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