Self-management-based interventions can lead to improved health outcomes in people with chronic diseases, and multiple patient characteristics are associated with the development of self-management behaviors. Low health literacy (HL) has been implicated in poorer self-management behaviors and increased costs to health services. However, the mechanisms behind this relationship remain unclear. Therefore, the aim of the current review is to assess the association between HL and patient characteristics related to self-management behaviors (i.e., disease-related knowledge ...
Care management in primary care can be effective in helping patients with chronic disease improve their health status, however, primary care practices are often challenged with implementation. Further, there are different ways to structure care management that may make implementation more or less successful. Normalization process theory (NPT) provides a means of understanding how a new complex intervention can become routine (normalized) in practice. In this study, we used NPT to understand how care management ...
Rates of readmission to hospital within 30 days are highest amongst those with chronic diseases. Effective interventions to reduce unplanned readmissions are needed. Providing support to patients with chronic disease via telephone may help prevent unnecessary readmission. This systematic review aimed to determine the methodological quality and effectiveness of interventions utilising telephone follow up (TFU) alone or in combination with other components in reducing readmission within 30 days amongst patients with cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory ...
Health care systems and processes in the United States are undergoing radical changes as a result of the Affordable Care Act and related efforts to move from a fee-for service model of health services provision to one that focuses on a managed care, value added payment model. As a part of this shift, services such as mental health that were once excluded are now being mandated for inclusion in coverage. For providers serving a young ...
ABC of Multimorbidity is the first title to provide primary care practitioners with a practical approach to the complex issues of treating and managing patients with more than one morbidity.
La finalidad de la estrategia de implantación es establecer los pasos a dar forma práctica para la implantación efectiva de la estrategia de crónicos e identificar aspectos concretos, específicos, realizables y monitorizables por parte de todos los y las profesionales que trabajan con personas con comorbilidad, pluripatología, polimedicación y su entorno de apoyo familiar y social dificultoso.
Chronic disease represents the epidemic of our time, present in half the adult population and responsible for 86% of United States (US) healthcare costs and 70% of deaths.
Self-management support is an important component of the clinical management of many chronic conditions. The validated Self-Management Screening questionnaire (SeMaS) assesses individual characteristics that influence a patient's ability to self-manage.
Approximately 50% of prescriptions dispensed in the United States are not taken as prescribed, resulting in 125,000 deaths, 10% of hospitalizations, and $100-300 billion dollars in healthcare costs each year.
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