Challenges of polypathology
This section shows all the OPIMEC contents related to this community of practice, grouped by content type: Collaborative documents, Events, Documents, Organizations, News and Practices.
- Chronic Disease Management: Aim for an Innovative Policy "Cure"
- Chronic Disease is the leading cause of morbidity in Europe and this impacts the whole chain of care: from prevention to management. This conference wants ...
- IEA World Congress of Epidemiology
- Scotland will be your host for the world’s international epidemiology and public health ‘party’ in 2011. The Congress theme is reflected in the title ...
- What’s New in Multiple Chronic Conditions? A 2012 Update — WEBINAR
- The webinar is being hosted by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
- Capítulo 11: Afrontar los retos de la polipatología, juntos. ¿Y ahora, qué?
- Capitulo 11 español
- China’s Rural-Urban Care Gap Shrank For Chronic Disease Patients, But Inequities Persist
- Reducing the gap in health outcomes between rural and urban areas in China has been a focus of the central government’s health reform efforts ...
- An Inconvenient Truth: A Sustainable Healthcare System Requires Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Transformation
- Canada's initial success at shortening wait times will not transform our healthcare system unless it is matched with equal success in the prevention and ...
- Seniors and the Health Care System: What Is the Impact of Multiple Chronic Conditions?
- The prevalence of many chronic conditions increases with age, and seniors with multiple chronic conditions have a greater need for health care services and prescription ...
- Time for global action on chronic disease.
- When it comes to global health, the international aid effort is almost entirely focused on the immense burden that communicable diseases inflict on the world ...
- "We're just not getting it right" How should we provide care to the older person with multi-morbid chronic conditions?
- Aims and objectives.? The aim was to review available literature on research and service evaluation evidence of nurse-led case management services targeting older people with ...
- Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Strategic Framework for Improving Health Outcomes and Quality of Life
- The escalating problem of multiple chronic conditions (MCC) among Americans is now a major public health and medical challenge, associated with suboptimal health outcomes and ...
- Sick Societies Responding to the global challenge of chronic disease
- Chronic diseases-heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, and common cancers-claim more than one out of every two lives worldwide. Within the next few decades their toll ...
- Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Strategic Framework: Optimum Health and Quality of Life for Individuals with Multiple Chronic Conditions
- Multiple chronic conditions can contribute to frailty and disability; conversely, most older persons who are frail or disabled have MCC. The confluence of MCC and ...
- El aumento de crónicos obliga a un cambio en los servicios
- El envejecimiento de la población va unido al aumento del número de personas con enfermedades crónicas.
- Los sistemas sanitarios se transformarán en los próximos cinco años para mejorar la continuidad asistencial
- Descripción de la fuente original: KPMG analiza el futuro de los sistemas sanitarios, tendentes a una integración de los servicios.
- Las soluciones basadas en TIC deben ser a medida y apoyar el trabajo clínico
- Descripción según la fuente original: Suponen una ayuda inestimable en el manejo de las cada vez más frecuentes dolencias crónicas
- Las redes sociales pueden ayudar a los médicos a "mejorar" la atención de sus pacientes, según experto
- Descripción según la fuente original: El director del Centro para la Innovación Global en eSalud del Hospital General de Toronto (Canadá), Alejandro Jadad, asegura que ...
- Vicesecretario OMC: "El fracaso de la relación entre niveles asistenciales complica el deambular del paciente crónico por el SNS"
- Descripción según la fuente original: El vicesecretario de la OMC, el doctor Jerónimo Fernández Torrente, participó en una jornada sobre "Cronicidad y envejecimiento" en la ...
- The Bridgepoint Study
- Este estudio toma su nombre de Bridgepoint Health, una institución única, cuyo principal objetivo es convertirse en un “campus de bienestar” para cambiar el mundo ...