12th Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care
From Wednesday 18/05/2011 to Saturday 21/05/2011 - Show description
- Palliative care has predominantly been focused on patients with cancer in the past and the Congress aims to reach out to other patient groups, and the specialists involved in their care. We are all facing the challenge across Europe of the change in demographics, with an increase in the elderly and particularly those with dementia. These changes bear a challenge to health care systems in all European countries. Although not all elderly people, or even ...
eHealth Week 2011
From Tuesday 10/05/2011 to Friday 13/05/2011 - Show description
- eHealth week is a collocation of the European Commission’s High Level Ministerial Conference and the World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition. It was in 2010 hailed as Europe’s largest pan-European conference: an all encompassing event focusing on leadership and the continuum of care – healthcare from the home to the hospital. The event will also address other related subjects such as pharma and health 2.0.
Developing Ideas for the Active and Healthy Ageing Innovation Partnership
From Tuesday 10/05/2011 to Tuesday 10/05/2011 - Show description
- It will gather key stakeholders from industry, policy, research, service providers and users to develop ideas for possible large scale initiatives under the Active and Healthy Ageing Innovation Partnership.
XXXVII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Reumatología
From Tuesday 10/05/2011 to Friday 13/05/2011 - Show description
- La Sociedad Española de Reumatología celebra en Málaga del 10 al 13 de Mayo de 2011 el Congreso Nacional de Reumatología, en el cual tendrán varios comunicaciones relacionadas con los pacientes crónicos.
X Congreso Zahartzaroa y IV Congreso de la Sociedad Navarra de Geriatría y Gerontología: Envejecimiento y arte
From Thursday 05/05/2011 to Saturday 07/05/2011 - Show description
- Congreso de Geriatría y Gerontología, que en su segunda edición, celebramos de forma conjunta la Sociedad Navarra de Geriatría y Zahartzaroa, este año en Pamplona.
2011 Oxford Health Alliance Annual Summit: Chronic Epidemic Disease: from raising awareness to driving change
From Thursday 14/04/2011 to Friday 15/04/2011 - Show description
The Oxford Health Alliance (OxHA) annual meeting on 14-15 April 2011 will be held at Keble College and the theme is “Chronic epidemic disease: from raising awareness to driving change”, and it will explore strategies to improve health by reducing the three main risk factors of tobacco use, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. A diverse group of participants from around the world – including leading thinkers and activists from health, design, business, government, the professions ...
VII European International Congress Healthy and active ageing for all Europeans-II
From Thursday 14/04/2011 to Sunday 17/04/2011 - Show description
- In recent years great progress has been made in understanding the ageing phenomenon. Not only do we know better the role of many factors in healthy and active ageing, but various age-related deficiency and degeneration processes are today identified and innovative solutions are available, from biotechnology to new treatments, from preventive measures to efficient health care systems, and finally from financial support to quality of life enhancement for older persons.
I Jornada Competencia Digital y Salud 2.0
From Friday 08/04/2011 to Friday 08/04/2011 - Show description
- El Objetivo de la jornada es analizar el panorama actual, comprender la evolución de la salud ligada a la tecnología, fomentar la mejora del diagnóstico, del tratamiento, de la investigación, de la atención integral al paciente, así como de la comunicación interprofesional y de la difusión de conocimiento mediante TICs y herramientas de la Web 2.0.
XVI Jornadas de Enfermería "Enfermedades Crónicas: Cada paciente, una atención".
From Thursday 07/04/2011 to Friday 08/04/2011 - Show description
- La Escola Universitaria de Enfermaría de Lugo y el Colexio Oficial de Enfermaría de Lugo organiza unas jornadas centradas en las enfermedades crónicas y su atención.
Med-e-Tel 2011
From Wednesday 06/04/2011 to Friday 08/04/2011 - Show description
Eventos y convocatorias (cursos, congresos, becas, premios y otros) de ámbito autonómico, nacional e internacional relacionadas con la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas.
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