Toma de decisiones revisión bibliografía
From Monday 04/04/2011 to Monday 04/04/2011 - Show description
- Hola a tod@s, Debemos vernos para tomar decisiones sobre la revisión bibliográfica del proyecto OSA_MAYOR.
The 8th Annual World Health Care Congress
From Monday 04/04/2011 to Wednesday 06/04/2011 - Show description
- The 8th Annual World Health Care Congress (WHCC) is World Congress' flagship event in which over 1,800 health care, government and corporate leaders formulate solutions to the challenges of health care cost, quality and delivery.
Jornadas e-Salud Castilla y León
From Wednesday 30/03/2011 to Thursday 31/03/2011 - Show description
- Hacia una Historia Clínica Integrada de Salud
Generating Innovative Strategies for Care of the Elderly with Complex Needs: A Dialogue with Thought Leaders from Ontario and Europe
From Tuesday 29/03/2011 to Tuesday 29/03/2011 - Show description
- There is a need to better understand how to identify complex-needs populations, the pathways they take in different systems and the impact these have on costs and quality of care. The development of measures to assess the performance of health and social care systems in these populations and of evidence on which system-level interventions are successful for whom and under what circumstances, are essential to effective and sustainable care delivery in all countries.
13e Symposium National Platform E-Health
From Tuesday 29/03/2011 to Tuesday 29/03/2011 - Show description
- 13th National Symposium on eHealth Platform: Elderly care online: Need it be slightly faster, could it be? The symposium will focus on the theme of eHealth in relation to the elderly, and how its broad application is widely regarded as cost-effective and accessible. eHealth offers better management and patient empowerment. For the elderly, a segment of the population where the greatest challenges lie, the adoption of online healthcare applications in daily practice is currently limited ...
Dueño de mi salud
From Friday 25/03/2011 to Sunday 27/03/2011 - Show description
- Jornadas de debate sobre los actores del Sistema Sanitario
Foro sobre gestión del paciente crónico
From Thursday 24/03/2011 to Thursday 24/03/2011 - Show description
- El Instituto Europeo de Salud y Bienestar Social, en colaboración con Novartis, organiza el 'Foro sobre Gestión del Paciente Crónico' para debatir sobre los últimos avances y tendencias en la gestión del paciente crónico.
International Forum on Health Care and Information Communication Technology
From Tuesday 08/03/2011 to Thursday 10/03/2011 - Show description
- The integration of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the field of health can be helpful for improving health care. For this reason, this International Forum has been planned.
Terapia Respiratoria Domiciliaria (TRD): Inversión en Salud
From Tuesday 22/02/2011 to Tuesday 22/02/2011 - Show description
- Descripción según la fuente original: La mayor prevalencia de las enfermedades respiratorias crónicas y el envejecimiento de la población son algunos de los factores que pronostican que, en los próximos años, será necesario potenciar cada vez más el tercer nivel asistencial, el de la atención en el domicilio del paciente.
From Tuesday 22/02/2011 to Thursday 24/02/2011 - Show description
- La Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud celebra su XIV Congreso Nacional bajo el lema “La Estrategia de Tecnología de la Información y de la Comunicación y su impacto en la mejora del sistema de salud”
Eventos y convocatorias (cursos, congresos, becas, premios y otros) de ámbito autonómico, nacional e internacional relacionadas con la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas.
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