Training in Improving Care for People with Multiple Chronic Diseases
This online course (in Spanish) is taught by the Andalusian School of Public Health (Spain). It has a duration of 60 hours and is for healthcare professionals whose work is related to chronic diseases.
The next edition will begin in early 2014 (date to be determined).
Please write to if you are interested in future editions.
If you are a member of the 2nd edition of the course "Improving Care for People with Multiple Chronic Diseases" you can access your community here and, if you were member of the first edition, please click here.
Between 9 and 31% of the world lives with two or more chronic conditions, is expected to reach 40% in 2050. On the other hand, chronic diseases are the leading cause of death, accounting for 63% of deaths worldwide in 2008 and is estimated to be 75% in 2020. In addition, this year, chronic diseases will also be the leading cause of disability. Finally, attention to chronic health expenditure is the largest, between 60 and 75%.
The Andalusian Ministry of Health is aware of this fact and has been launching a series of measures that converge in the "Strategic Plan for caring people with chronic disease in Andalusia 2012-2016". The early incorporation of these actions is allowing the Andalusian government to improve assistance to an ever greater number of people with chronic diseases and with care needs and increasingly complex.
The participants in the course may form part of the OPIMEC (Observatory of Innovative Practices for Complex Chronic Disease Management) online social network, established by the General Directorate of Health Planning and Innovation of the Andalusian with the team collaboration of Alejandro Jadad Lecture of the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, University of Toronto and Andrés Cabrera Lecture of the Andalusian School of Public Health. This network consists of over 1020 professionals from 30 countries in the field of chronic disease, where 45% do their work outside of Spain. This will enable the SSPA professionals acquire and share experiences and knowledge with other professionals involved with communities of practice teaching units related to the course and collaboratively created the book "When people live with multiple chronic diseases: a global collaborative challenge '(more on
7/07/2014 00:00
31/12/2014 00:00
Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales de la Junta de Andalucía
comunidades de practica, cronicidad, enfermedades cronicas, formacion online, polipatologia, multimorbilidad, pluripatologia
- Consejería de Salud y Consumo. Junta de Andalucía Organization
- Escuela de Pacientes Link
- Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública (EASP) Organization
- Forum «Care quality for people with complex chronic diseases: new opportunities and challenges» Event Item
- II Forum "Promoting High Quality Services for People living with Chronic Diseases: Adapting Social and Health Services to Meet Complex Care Needs" Event Item
- PAAIPEC: Documento Central Collaborative document
- CUIDARTE: Una estrategia para los cuidados en la Andalucía del siglo XXI Publications
- VI National Healthcare Congress of Chronic Patient. First National Conference on Active Patients Event Item
- Formación en Atención Integrada a Pacientes con Enfermedades Crónicas Event Item