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Project GUIA: A Model for Understanding and Promoting Physical Activity in Brazil and Latin America

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 9/11/2012 14:35

As noncommunicable or chronic diseases (NCDs) have spread across the globe, becoming the leading causes of death, disease, disability, and health care costs, it has become increasingly important for public health to address their underlying causes.

Pratt M, Brownson RC, Ramos LR, Carvalho-Malta D, Hallal PC, Reis RS, Parra DC, Simoes EJ. Project GUIA: A Model for Understanding and Promoting Physical Activity in Brazil and Latin America. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2010; 7(Suppt 2). Available at: http://www.projectguia.org/documents/research/100813/02_jpah_Pratt_Editorial_2.pdf



Two approaches to doing so are gaining ascendancy:

1) examining and addressing underlying social determinants of health and
2) understanding and applying evidence-based strategies targeting the 4 key health behaviors underlying NCDs—physical activity, diet, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption.

Pratt M, Brownson RC, Ramos LR, Carvalho-Malta D, Hallal PC, Reis RS, Parra DC, Simoes EJ.
