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The chronic patient with plurypathology. Magnitude and initiatives for management: The Seville Statement. Situation and proposals in Galicia

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 26/06/2013 11:57

The progressive aging of populations with an exponential growth of patients with chronic and polypathologic diseases and associated disabilities pose significant challenges for Administration and Finances of the Health systems.

Montes Santiago J, Casariego Vales E, de Toro Santos M, Mosquera E. La asistencia a pacientes crónicos y pluripatológicos. Magnitud e iniciativas para su manejo: La Declaración de Sevilla. Situación y propuestas en Galicia. Galicia Clin. 2012; 73 (Supl.1): S7-S14. Disponible en: http://www.galiciaclinica.info/PDF/17/306.pdf



Therefore, some strategies to address these problems are developing. In Spain, the “Declaración de Sevilla 2011” (Sevilla statement) is impulsing a national comprehensive plan care for patients with chronic diseases, based on three fundaments: involvement of the patient and community, establishment of guidelines to organize care and development of clinical information and decision making. These are particularly important because in Galicia lives an extremely aged population with increased prevalence of chronic diseases. In this sense, the objective of “SERGAS 2014” proposal is to provide aims and lines of action to confront such challenges. In agreement with these plans in our environment, the SOGAMI is establishing an initial plan to involve its members in a more informed and efficient care for patients with chronic and multiple diseases.

Montes Santiago J, Casariego Vales E, de Toro Santos M, Mosquera E.
