Does the Chronic Care model work?
Francisco Martos Pérez
— last modified 18/06/2012 12:35
In this discussion of the Chronic Care Model (CCM) chronic illness is defined very broadly: any condition that requires ongoing activities and response from patients and their personal caregivers, as well as a response from the medical care system.
Does The Chronic Care Model Work?. Seattle, WA: Improving Chronic Illness Care.
MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation ; 2007. Disponible en:
This includes the traditional physical chronic illnesses, but also chronic mental disorders, and behavioral disorders like attention deficit disorder in children. Some are also applying the model to prevention, addiction, and other behaviors.
Improving Chronic Illness Care MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation Improving Chronic Illness Care MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation
Norte América
- Management models Collaborative document
- MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation Organization
- Improving Chronic Illness Care (ICIC) Practice