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The Impact of a Community-Based Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative: Evaluation Findings From Steps to Health King County

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 3/06/2011 13:28

Steps to Health King County (Steps KC; Seattle, Washington) was one of 40 community-level initiatives funded in 2003 as part of the Steps to a HealthierUS initiative.

Cheadle A, Bourcier E, Krieger J, Beery W, Smyser M, Vinh DV, Lessler D, Alfonsi L. The Impact of a Community-Based Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative: Evaluation Findings From Steps to Health King County. Health Education & Behavior. 2011; 38(3): 222-230. Available at: http://heb.sagepub.com/content/38/3/222.abstract




Steps KC goals included reducing the impact of chronic diseases through a comprehensive, coordinated approach and reducing health disparities due to chronic illness. Steps KC intervention activities took place on two levels: the overall Steps KC collaborative and individual funded programs. Collaborative-level activities included policy and systems change initiatives and efforts to better integrate the funded-program organizations. The funded programs ranged from group health promotion programs to intensive case management. Steps KC was successful in creating a large, diverse community collaborative and funding 14 separate programs that reached approximately 8,000 community residents with medium-and high-intensity programs of demonstrated effectiveness. Systems change initiatives within school districts and government agencies led to a greater institutional emphasis on health promotion and on partnership with communities to address health inequities.

Health Education & Behavior

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Prevention and health promotion Collaborative document