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Prevention of chronic diseases, perspective and community action.

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 25/03/2011 13:25

This paper presents the initial results of two studies carried out in Tlalpan, a local authority (delegación) in the South of Mexico City. The first is a survey from random sample of the population that helped to determine the prevalence of some chronic disease indicators. The second study is an intervention project of a segment of Tlalpan. It is a population-based study; the objectives are to determine and diminish risk factors (malnutrition, physical inactivity, tobacco use) of chronic disease in 200,000 people. It is a quasi experimental, case-control study with a socio ecological and health promotion perspective.

Ramírez JA, Fernández MT, Capó G. Prevención de enfermedades crónicas, perspectiva y acción comunitaria. En: 3er Foro de las Américas en Investigación sobre Factores Psicosociales: Estrés y Salud Mental en el Trabajo. México D.F.: Red de Investigadores sobre Factores Psicosociales  en el Trabajo; 2010. Disponible en:http://www.factorespsicosociales.com/tercerforo/simposios/documentos/Si1.4.pdf



The study design includes a diagnostic based line in three risk factors in several sites (worksites, health care centres, secondary schools and general population) using validated questionnaires. These data include biological samples and anthropometrical measurements. The second part of the project is an intervention to decrease the risk factors, and include community wide activities with health promoters.
Thirdly: a second measurement in the same places to compare with the first measurement.

Ramírez JA, Fernández MT, Capó G.

Prevention and health promotion Collaborative document