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Population screening and associated interventions to counter NCD in Abu Dhabi: the Weqaya programme

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados — 27/09/2012

Other Organization

Abu Dhabi is tackling the rise in NCD through a programme called “Weqaya” (meaning “protection” in Arabic), which integrates two aspects: screening of the entire adult Emirati population for risk of CVD, and a range of targeted interventions. The United Arab Emirates has high levels of all NCD, and the second highest rate of diabetes in the world.

Fragility, pluripathology/polipathology and/or complex chronic diseases

Goals Prevention:
Funding for detection programs , Creates healthy environments , Promotes health and wellbeing in schools and early years , Promotes adecuate understanding levels on the community about the importance of prevention
Goals Detection:
Shows new evidence on the importance of early detection, including guidelines of effective practices , Provides registries and patients contact systems , Promotes early intervention through primary health care measures
Goals Treatment:
Improving access to health services across the entire spectrum, from prevention to treatment , Ensures the best quality of health services , It facilitates the management by processes , Emphasizes the care of pluri-pathological and fragile patients , Promotes electronic health information systems to improve the quality of care

The programme began in 2008, and so far 94% of the adult population (18 and over) have been
screened. A second round of screening began in August 2011.

The first round of screening showed that more than two-thirds of adults were overweight or
obese, 44% were either diabetic or pre-diabetic, and almost half had raised cholesterol. Almost
three-quarters (71%) had at least one risk factor for CVD.

The interventions to reduce these high levels of risk come from both the health and the nonhealth
sectors. Those at the highest level of risk are offered clinical care.

All those screened are given a confidential health report, available if desired through a secure
Web account, with their risks colour-coded together with bespoke recommendations for
actions to reduce the risk. Individual data remain secure and confidential, but group data will be
packaged up for employers and municipalities, to help them in devising programmes to reduce
tobacco use, encourage healthier diets and increase physical activity.




Abu Dhabi
Practices Map



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