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Rhode Island Department of Human Services

jessievenegas Jessie Venegas — 27/02/2009


The program is a voluntary, comprehensive care management and wellness program implemented in 2002. Designed for people with declining health and frequent illnesses, it serves the fee-for-service population of Medicaid. The program is not disease specific and clients typically have two or more diseases. Connect CARE serves to link consumers to a medical home with a team of providers and care coordinators including a Lead Physician, usually the Primary Care Physician, and a Nurse Care Manager (NCM). They assist clients in developing self management goals, provide educational programs, and identify and coordinate services and care in the community setting to assist clients in maintaining wellness and reducing recurrent illness. This program was highlighted for proving feedback regarding beneficiary adherence to treatment plans and provider education and work.

Fragility, pluripathology/polipathology and/or complex chronic diseases


Rhode Island

Rhode Island


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