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Newfoundland and Labrador Heart Health

ajadad Alex Jadad — 27/02/2009


A community-based prevention program aimed at improving health and reducing the rate of heart disease in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, in Canada. The program, jointly funded by Health Canada and the provincial Department of Health and Community Services, was officially launched in May, 1990. It started as a demonstration project and is now spreading successful activities throughout the province. Some of the most prominent services offered include: * Community Action for Healthy Eating * Community Kitchens Video * Community Television Programming Kit * Demonstration Phase Report: December 1996 * Dialogue on Heart Health * Final Evaluation Report: May 1997 * Heart Smart Restaurant Program * Heart Smart Restaurant Program - Diner's Guide * How to Plan a Health Fair * Information & Guidelines For A Healthy Heart & Trivia Contest * Lifestyle Clinic Resource Kit * Low Cost Cooking * Making Public Policy Healthy... A Vision For Our Community's Health * Mobilizing Communities For Heart Health Kit * Newfoundland Heart Health Leadership Manual * Ticker Tom Heart Health Program * Type 2 Diabetes Prevention And Health Promotion Strategy * Walking Club Package * Women and Heart Health

Heart failure, Other


Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador

St. John's

A1B 4J6
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