Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki

The Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS) was the first in the world to demonstrate that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by modification of eating habits and physical activity. The study showed that fibre-rich whole-grain products can help reduce the risk of diabetes among adults. There is a pioneering study about the link between genes and the effect of a cereal-rich diet among people at risk of diabetes. The Finnish study has shown that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Nowadays, cooperation between Diabetes Associations in different countries has grown into continuous interactions, such as projects running in Russia. Finnish diabetes experts regularly visit research institutes in other countries in order to assist in establishing clinical studies and other related initiatives.
Fax: +43 (0)2732 893-4811
Diabetes and Genetic Epidemiology Unit, DEPARTMENT OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH, Promotion, National Public Health Institute
- Consejería de Salud y Consumo. Junta de Andalucía Organization
- Valencia, Proyecto MyHeart Practice