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Consortium for NCD Prevention and Control in sub-Saharan Africa (CNCD-Africa)

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados — 15/10/2012


The Consortium for NCD Prevention and Control in sub-Saharan Africa (CNCD-Africa) is a member-driven umbrella organization that brings together multiple disciplines, sectors and partners to address NCDs in an effective, efficient and sustainable manner. Consortium members work in various settings to address the common risk factors for major NCDs in sub-Saharan Africa (cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and chronic respiratory infections): nutritional patterns and transition; obesity; lack of physical activity; tobacco consumption; and inappropriate use of alcohol.

Heart failure, Oncological diseases, COPD

The consortium has networks, collaborations, and linkages with partners whose work aims to address NCD prevention, Control and Management by addressing Social Determinants of Health at the individual and societal levels and tackling the general socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions which can be addressed by policy advocacy and use of health promotion approaches. In addition, the consortium aims to streamline approaches that overcome major barriers to appropriate management and control of NCDs such as inadequate access to services; limited knowledge among communities regarding NCD risk factors, signs and symptoms; gaps in policy implementation; and insufficient awareness among the public and policy makers on the burden of NCDs and what can be done. CNCD-Africa therefore supports and strengthens capacity building among members through training, research, curricula development, health promotion & social marketing and policy advocacy. In addition, the consortium serves as an NCD information portal and helps drive the NCD agenda by participating in relevant scientific conferences and by urging partners, institutions and governments to implement NCD program coordination structures at all levels (National, Provincial/State, District and community levels). CNCD-Africa documents Best Practices through a strong monitoring and evaluation component made possible by the robust partnership network.

The Vision of CNCD-Africa: To improve health and quality of life of people in sub-Saharan Africa through tackling NCDs comprehensively, competently and sustainably.

The Mission: Harnessing partnerships with NCD actors in the region and globally in order to spearhead a reduction in NCD risk factors through health promotion, disease prevention, and improved management of NCDs by synergizing the capacity of the various existing organizations and main players within and out of the sub-Saharan African region.

Principles of CNCD-Africa
CNCD-Africa is built on the following tenets:
1. Recognition of the unique capacity of actors in the region that would achieve more if synergized that are directly or indirectly related to any aspect of NCD- these include professional associations, academic and research institutions, civil society groups, development partners, and ex-officio government ministries/departments;
2. Need for multifactoral, multisectoral and multi-disciplinary approaches to effectively address NCDs in the region;
3. Recognition that no matter how competent individual groups or persons are in addressing NCDs in the region, they will experience increased outreach if they act in partnership with others;
4. Need to articulate a common agenda for NCDs in sub-Saharan Africa in line with global trends, global agendas and global funding trusts; and
5. Need to build a body to articulate regional issues and help provide the vital linkages and synergies at the global level.



CNCD-Africa, P.O. Box 45259-00100
Organizations Map
Chronic diseases video of interest The "Silent" Epidemic: scenes from Kenya