The doctor is not prepared to treat chronic pluripatology patients

Alejandro Jadad, director of e-Health Innovation Center in Toronto, notes that Internal Medicine is not ready to confront the common pacientesmás now and in the future: older with various chronic diseases. Alain Ochoa
Alejandro Jadad, director of e-Health Innovation Center in Toronto, delivered the closing conference of the XII Congress of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) with a reflection on the future of this type of specialist. See more on ...
Diario Médico
- Dr. Alejandro Jadad and Sr. D. Pablo Rivero attended the first Global meeting of the Society of Internal Medicine, which took place today in Toronto, Canada. News Item
- I Congreso Nacional de Atención Sanitaria al Paciente Crónico Event Item
- Foresight Links Corporation Organization
- Centre for Global eHealth Innovation Organization
- Jadad: “El 70 por ciento de las actuaciones hospitalarias deberían realizarse fuera del hospital” News Item