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Team care to help multiple chronic conditions

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 11/01/2011 14:32

According to a new study patients with multiple chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus and heart disease are at higher risk of depression that can render medication ineffective. Lead researcher Dr. Wayne J. Katon and colleagues at University of Washington in the study found that patients who received care from nurses who worked with patients and physicians to manage the care for depression and diabetes and heart disease had better outcomes. The study was published in the Dec 30, 2010 issue of New England Journal of Medicine.

For the study the team compared two groups of patients, one received the standard care without any so called Teamcare, while the other received a Teamcare intervention. For teamcare intervention, a nurse helped monitor disease control like cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and depression and worked closely with each patient’s primary physicians to help patients use medications effectively. End of year one, those receiving the Teamcare were found less depressed and had their blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure better controlled, compared with other patients with depression, diabetes mellitus and heart disease. These patients on Teamcare also reported that they were better satisfied and had a better quality of life. They had timely adjustments for blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, cholesterol and medications.




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