17th Annual Chronic Diseases Network Conference: "Self Management: A Partnership Approach”.
From Monday 09/09/2013 to Wednesday 10/07/2013 - Show description
- The conference theme, which was decided on by the delegates from the 2012 CDN Conference, is "Self Management: A Partnership Approach”. The conference will be at the Darwin Convention Centre on September 9- 10, 2013.
Congreso Iberoamericano de Epidemiología y Salud Pública
From Wednesday 04/09/2013 to Friday 06/09/2013 - Show description
- El lema del Congreso: "La ciencia y la práctica de las políticas de salud: la inteligencia de la salud pública", alienta una contribución científica y profesional comprometida con las necesidades de las sociedades convulsas de hoy en día.
Presentaciones de la Jornada “Herramientas de abordaje de la atención a personas con enfermedades crónicas”
From Tuesday 03/09/2013 to Tuesday 03/09/2013 - Show description
- Jornada celebrada el 3 de septiembre de 2013 en la Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública como reunión precongreso del CONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO DE EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y SALUD PÚBLICA. Es promovida por SASPAS-HIPATIA y apoyada por OPIMEC.
Call for Experts. IMPLEMENT: EU Research Project on the Implementation of Chronic Care Improvements
From Sunday 01/09/2013 to Wednesday 30/09/2015 - Show description
- IMPLEMENT is a two-year EU project that started on September 1st 2013. It aims at accelerating innovations in care and support for people with chronic illnesses, by developing a Research Agenda on implementation issues throughout Europe. Experts are crucial for achieving this. Many issues may be typical of a culture or country. Only experts can give the whole picture. This expertise comes not only from the scientific world, but also from experts that work in ...
Call for papers: The politics of non-communicable diseases in the global south
From Wednesday 28/08/2013 to Friday 30/08/2013 - Show description
- Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), from cancer and diabetes to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, are not only the leading cause of death worldwide, they now also disproportionately affect the Global South, with 80% of global NCD-related mortality in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). This will further worsen with continuing economic development, rapid urbanization and the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles causing NCD-related mortality to rise markedly in the Global South over the next few years. To address this ...
Multiple Chronic Conditions Summer Symposium
From Tuesday 27/08/2013 to Tuesday 27/08/2013 - Show description
- The University of Chicago Center for Translational and Policy Research invites to attend the first annual Multiple Chronic Conditions Summer Symposium
Briefing in Innovative Care Delivery Models for Medicare Patients
From Friday 26/07/2013 to Friday 26/07/2013 - Show description
- The challenges brought on by an aging society facing rising rates of chronic disease, coupled with increasing health care costs, system fragmentation and a growing federal deficit, demand more innovative delivery models that coordinate care, improve quality and reduce costs. New models of care demonstrate how a patient-centered, coordinated, affordable approach to care delivery can become the reality for elderly patients, providers and communities across America. Central to the success of these new models is ...
III Jornadas Salud 2.0 Euskadi 2013
From Monday 08/07/2013 to Tuesday 09/07/2013 - Show description
- Tercera edición de las Jornadas de Salud 2.0 Euskadi que tendrán lugar los días 8 y 9 de Julio en la Deusto Business School (Bilbao).
VII Encuentro e-Salud y Telemedicina. Investigación e innovación TIC en el abordaje de la cronicidad
From Tuesday 02/07/2013 to Friday 05/07/2013 - Show description
- El papel que las TIC pueden jugar en el abordaje de la cronicidad es el eje central del curso que tendrá lugar en la programación de verano de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de Santander. El curso promovido por la Unidad de Telemedicina del Instituto de Salud Carlos III trata el papel de las TIC en la cronicidad
2º Summer Course en Análisis de Redes Sociales y 2º Workshop de Investigación
From Wednesday 26/06/2013 to Thursday 28/03/2013 - Show description
- Curso de verano y Workshop está dirigido a estudiantes, investigadores y profesionales motivados por la metodología del Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS). En las sesiones se utilizará el español, aunque los alumnos podrán intervenir en español, portugués o inglés.
Eventos y convocatorias (cursos, congresos, becas, premios y otros) de ámbito autonómico, nacional e internacional relacionadas con la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas.
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