IX Congreso de la Sociedad de Medicina Interna de la Comunidad Valenciana
From Thursday 09/06/2011 to Friday 10/06/2011 - Show description
- Este Congreso se celebrará en el Centro Cultural de Torrevieja "Virgen del Carmen" en Alicante los días 9 y 10 de junio de 2011.
31 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria: Una mirada distinta
From Wednesday 08/06/2011 to Friday 10/06/2011 - Show description
- Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familiar y Comunitaria en el cual se tratarán temas como la atención al anciano, estilos de vida no saludables, desigualdades en salud e innovación en la consulta.
Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving, disability, ageing and technology
From Sunday 05/06/2011 to Sunday 08/05/2011 - Show description
- The Festival brought together leading world experts on topics relating to aging, disability, informal caregiving, new technologies and science. Five unique conferences: Caregivers: Essential Partners in Care; The 30th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference: Improving Medical Device Usability; Advances in Neurorehabilitation; Growing Older with a Disability and the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Aging, provided the framework for a global dialogue concerned with helping the world’s aging populations live longer and better.
17th annual meeting of the society in Europe for simulation applied to medicine
From Thursday 02/06/2011 to Saturday 04/06/2011 - Show description
- Simulation-a limitless training methodology: pushing the limits in education, training and research.
22 Jornadas Nacionales de Supervisión de Enfermería/Enfermeras Gestoras
From Wednesday 25/05/2011 to Friday 27/05/2011 - Show description
- Bajo el lema “Enfermeras gestoras: una garantía para la organización” pretenden crear un foro de encuentro en el que enfermeras y enfermeros gestores o interesados en la gestión, compartan proyectos, intercambien experiencias y presenten resultados en gestión.
III Spanish Conference on Chronic Care: Building capacity for progress: the role of clinicians
From Thursday 19/05/2011 to Friday 20/05/2011 - Show description
- The event will be held at the Palacio de Congresos Kursaal on May 18, 19, 20, in Donostia-San Sebastian.
Qoolife, capacitación del paciente crónico en la autogestión de la salud
From Thursday 19/05/2011 to Thursday 26/05/2011 - Show description
- El objetivo de este taller es que el profesional salga de la sesión con las habilidades necesarias para la selección y adiestramiento de sus pacientes en la utilización de la herramienta Qoolife como Red socio-sanitaria y método de autogestión de la salud.
9th International Symposium on Osteoporosis Translating Research into Clinical Practice
From Wednesday 18/05/2011 to Saturday 21/05/2011 - Show description
- The 9th International Symposium on Osteoporosis (ISO9), sponsored by the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), is designed to provide the most current, clinically relevant and evidence-based information on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis. This is accomplished through in-depth educational sessions addressing primary and secondary osteoporosis, clinical considerations and therapeutics, socio-behavioral medicine, nutrition, education and emerging science.
12th Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care
From Wednesday 18/05/2011 to Saturday 21/05/2011 - Show description
- Palliative care has predominantly been focused on patients with cancer in the past and the Congress aims to reach out to other patient groups, and the specialists involved in their care. We are all facing the challenge across Europe of the change in demographics, with an increase in the elderly and particularly those with dementia. These changes bear a challenge to health care systems in all European countries. Although not all elderly people, or even ...
eHealth Week 2011
From Tuesday 10/05/2011 to Friday 13/05/2011 - Show description
- eHealth week is a collocation of the European Commission’s High Level Ministerial Conference and the World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition. It was in 2010 hailed as Europe’s largest pan-European conference: an all encompassing event focusing on leadership and the continuum of care – healthcare from the home to the hospital. The event will also address other related subjects such as pharma and health 2.0.
Eventos y convocatorias (cursos, congresos, becas, premios y otros) de ámbito autonómico, nacional e internacional relacionadas con la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas.
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