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13e Symposium National Platform E-Health

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 4/04/2011 17:25

13th National Symposium on eHealth Platform: Elderly care online: Need it be slightly faster, could it be? The symposium will focus on the theme of eHealth in relation to the elderly, and how its broad application is widely regarded as cost-effective and accessible. eHealth offers better management and patient empowerment. For the elderly, a segment of the population where the greatest challenges lie, the adoption of online healthcare applications in daily practice is currently limited. Key points to be raised are the potential and limitations of elderly care with respect to online applications, and the (apparent) contradiction between cold and warm technology and human care.

The main topics that will be discussed during the event include: * Which online healthcare applications are currently being truly embraced by the elderly? * How can healthcare professionals and carers make responsible use of such applications? * How can these applications be put into practice promptly? The above-mentioned topics will be examined from the perspective of the healthcare professional, the administrator, the scientist and the user.?


29/03/2011 00:00

29/03/2011 00:00




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