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14th International Conference on Integrated Care

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 28/01/2014 09:01

The International Foundation of Integrated Care (IFIC) is delighted to present the 14th International Conference on Integrated Care “Taking integrated care forward: people, policy and practice" The conference will take place at the Diamant Conference Centre in Brussels, Belgium on 2-4 April 2014. The conference has been developed in partnership with Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is kindly supported by the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI).

Conference themes

The aim the conference is to exchange knowledge, experience, new ideas and projects around 4 important areas of integrated care design and delivery:

Policy making towards integrated Care: How can policy and policy-makers provide an enabling context to support integrated care to happen in practice? What are the key enabling policies?

Integrated care in practice: What are the key characteristics and lessons for developing people-centred co-ordinated care in practice?

Making the transition towards integrated care: What are the leadership and managerial strategies necessary to encourage and sustain change for integrated care? Do they differ by context? Where do you start? At what level of the system? How do you measure progress and outcomes?

Thinking differently: innovation and integrated care: How do you enable innovation in integrated care to happen and how will accelerate the process of change? How do we better engage people and communities? What will the future of our care systems look like? How we use of information systems and new technologies to support people with complex needs?

Who is it for?

The conference is for all those involved in the design, delivery and evaluation of integrated care.

In 2012, the 13th International Congress on Integrated Care in Berlin attracted over 200 delegates, reaching full capacity. Delegates represented multiple disciplines from the integrated care field, including researchers, industry/commercial representatives and clinicians. The participants belonged to the following areas: 36% Academic, 13% Corporate, 27% NGO, and 24% Public Sector.

Due to the extra demand for delegate places in Berlin, in 2013 the organisers have expanded the capacity and 400 delegates are expected to attend the Brussels conference.

Why Participate?

The 14th International Conference on Integrated Care provides participants with many opportunities to connect with policy-makers, practitioners and researchers working towards integrated care.

Bringing together internationally renowned keynote speakers, recognized experts from a wide range of countries, oral abstracts and poster presentations from across many disciplines, this conference aims to contribute to the growth and development of integrated care.

The 14th International Congress for Integrated Care should be an exciting and educational event for any practitioner, policy-maker, researcher or learner in this emerging field.


2/04/2014 00:00

4/04/2014 00:00



Other Organization


International Foundation for Integrated Care(IFIC); Project Integrate; International Journal of Integrated Care

Fiona Lyne