Testing integrated care service models for patients with complex care needs using simulation modelling

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados última modificación 28/03/2016 11:26

The Long Term Conditions Year of Care Commissioning Programme supports commissioners and service providers within the English NHS to improve outcomes for patients with complex care needs through the redesign of commissioning mechanisms and care models to deliver person-centred coordinated care.

White J, Day J, Cordeaux C, Matthews B. Testing integrated care service models for patients with complex care needs using simulation modelling / Probando modelos integrados de servicios de atención con pacientes con complejos cuidados de atencion usando modelos de simulación. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2015;15(8). Available at: http://www.ijic.org/articles/abstract/2396/



White J, Day J, Cordeaux C, Matthews B.
