Quality of care for patients with multiple chronic conditions: the role of comorbidity interrelatedness.

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados última modificación 1/04/2014 10:46

Multimorbidity-the presence of multiple chronic conditions in a patient-has a profound impact on health, health care utilization, and associated costs. Definitions of multimorbidity in clinical care and research have evolved over time, initially focusing on a patient's number of comorbidities and the associated magnitude of required care processes, and later recognizing the potential influence of comorbidity characteristics on patient care and outcomes.

Zulman DM, Asch SM, Martins SB, Kerr EA, Hoffman BB, Goldstein MK. Quality of care for patients with multiple chronic conditions: the role of comorbidity interrelatedness. J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Mar;29(3):529-37.  Available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11606-013-2616-9



Zulman DM, Asch SM, Martins SB, Kerr EA, Hoffman BB, Goldstein MK.

Norte América