Collaborative Care for Patients with Depression and Chronic Illnesses

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados última modificación 11/01/2011 14:32

Patients with depression and poorly controlled diabetes, coronary heart disease, or both have an increased risk of adverse outcomes and high health care costs. We conducted a study to determine whether coordinated care management of multiple conditions improves disease control in these patients.

Wayne JK, Lin EHB, Von Korff M, Ciechanowski P, Ludman EJ, Young B, Peterson D, Rutter CM, McGregor M, McCulloch D. Collaborative Care for Patients with Depression and Chronic Illnesses. N Engl J Med. 2010; (363): 2611-2620. Available at:




Wayne JK, Lin EHB, Von Korff M, Ciechanowski P, Ludman EJ, Young B, Peterson D, Rutter CM, McGregor M, McCulloch D.

Norte América