Relevant models and elements of integrated care for multi-morbidity: Results of a scoping review.

In order to provide adequate care for the growing group of persons with multi-morbidity, innovative integrated care programmes are appearing. The aims of the current scoping review were to i) identify relevant models and elements of integrated care for multi-morbidity and ii) to subsequently identify which of these models and elements are applied in integrated care programmes for multi-morbidity.
Struckmann V, Leijten FRM, van Ginneken E, Kraus M, Reiss M, Spranger A, Boland MRS, Czypionka T, Busse R, Rutten-van Mölken M; SELFIE consortium. Relevant models and elements of integrated care for multi-morbidity: Results of a scoping review. Health Policy. 2018 Jan;122(1):23-35.
A scoping review was conducted in the following scientific databases: Cochrane, Embase, PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus, Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, and Web of Science. A search strategy encompassing a) models, elements and programmes, b) integrated care, and c) multi-morbidity was used to identify both models and elements (aim 1) and implemented programmes of integrated care for multi-morbidity (aim 2). Data extraction was done by two independent reviewers. Besides general information on publications (e.g. publication year, geographical region, study design, and target group), data was extracted on models and elements that publications refer to, as well as which models and elements are applied in recently implemented programmes in the EU and US.
In the review 11,641 articles were identified. After title and abstract screening, 272 articles remained. Full text screening resulted in the inclusion of 92 articles on models and elements, and 50 articles on programmes, of which 16 were unique programmes in the EU (n=11) and US (n=5). Wagner's Chronic Care Model (CCM) and the Guided Care Model (GCM) were most often referred to (CCM n=31; GCM n=6); the majority of the other models found were only referred to once (aim 1). Both the CCM and GCM focus on integrated care in general and do not explicitly focus on multi-morbidity. Identified elements of integrated care were clustered according to the WHO health system building blocks. Most elements pertained to 'service delivery'. Across all components, the five elements referred to most often are person-centred care, holistic or needs assessment, integration and coordination of care services and/or professionals, collaboration, and self-management (aim 1). Most (n=10) of the 16 identified implemented programmes for multi-morbidity referred to the CCM (aim 2). Of all identified programmes, the elements most often included were self-management, comprehensive assessment, interdisciplinary care or collaboration, person-centred care and electronic information system (aim 2).
Most models and elements found in the literature focus on integrated care in general and do not explicitly focus on multi-morbidity. In line with this, most programmes identified in the literature build on the CCM. A comprehensive framework that better accounts for the complexities resulting from multi-morbidity is needed.
Struckmann V, Leijten FRM, van Ginneken E, Kraus M, Reiss M, Spranger A, Boland MRS, Czypionka T, Busse R, Rutten-van Mölken M; SELFIE consortium.