Qualitative Evaluation of the Implementation of an Integrated Care Delivery Model for Chronic Patients with Multi-Morbidity in the Basque Country

The objective of this study was to assess a model for improving healthcare integration for patients with multiple chronic diseases in an integrated healthcare organisation in the Basque Country and to propose areas for improvement.
Luz Jauregui M, Silvestre C, Valdes P, Gaminde I. Qualitative Evaluation of the Implementation of an Integrated Care Delivery Model for Chronic Patients with Multi-Morbidity in the Basque Country. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2016;16(3):9. Available at: http://www.ijic.org/articles/10.5334/ijic.1975/
Methods: We organised four nominal groups composed of representatives from different categories of clinicians involved in the development of an integrated healthcare organisation and in the integrated care of patients with multiple diseases, namely, internists, general practitioners, and primary care and hospital nurses.
Results: The aspect rated most positively was the concept itself of an integrated care model, which is able to improve communication between levels of care, increase the quality of the care provided and enhance patient safety. Additionally, it was agreed that the role of assigned clinicians is a key element. The problems identified mostly concern its implementation in daily practice.
Conclusions: The results of this study made it possible to suggest at least 8 areas of improvement to be implemented. These are related to: nurses’ roles; care and monitoring of stable patients; team work; communication with patients; coordination with social workers and between internists and family doctors; as well as the development of an office of medical services to lead the integration process.
Luz Jauregui M, Silvestre C, Valdes P, Gaminde I.