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Creating a Mobile Phone Short Message Platform Applied in the Continuing Nursing Information System

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 4/03/2016 11:51

This study aims to create a kind of mobile phone short message platform that can be used in chronic disease patients continuing nursing information system.

Guo Y, Zhang Y, Zhao F. Creating a Mobile Phone Short Message Platform Applied in the Continuing Nursing Information System. Wireless Communications, Networking and Applications. 2015; 348: 41-50. Available at: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-81-322-2580-5_5



The platform consists of mobile phone, short message gateway equipment, continuing nursing system, and heterogeneous data conversional middleware. Mobile phone is the mobile terminal which has the function of editing and receiving messages; short message gateway is a device based on the wireless technique to quickly send and receive short messages; continuing nursing information system is a short message platform that can assess, intervene, and evaluate the health status of discharged chronic disease patients by editing, sending, receiving, and analyzing the short messages. The heterogeneous data conversional middleware can connect the database of continuing nursing information system with the database of electronic medical records in third-party hospitals. This research applied modern technology of mobile communication to improve the efficiency of continuing nursing and promote the healthy status of chronic disease patients.

Guo Y, Zhang Y, Zhao F.
