Cardiovascular mortality and the financial crisis in Greece: Trends and outlook.
At the end of 2008, Greece was hit by an unprecedented financial crisis, the most serious that any western country has experienced in peacetime, with GDP falling by 22% at constant prices and unemployment rising from 8% to 26% in just four years.
Vlachadis N, Iliodromiti Z, Vlachadi M, Xanthos T, Ktenas E, Vrachnis D, Kornarou E, Vrachnis N. Cardiovascular mortality and the financial crisis in Greece: Trends and outlook. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Aug 6. doi:pii: S0167-5273(14)01500-9. Available at:
Since studies have shown that unemployment, implicating increased psychosocial stress and problematic access to health services, is a significant risk factor for acute cardiovascular events, death rates attributable to cardiovascular disease are likely to increase during a financial depression.
Vlachadis N, Iliodromiti Z, Vlachadi M, Xanthos T, Ktenas E, Vrachnis D, Kornarou E, Vrachnis N.