Greek socio-economic crisis and incidence of acute myocardial infarction in Southwestern Peloponnese

Financial crisis poses an immense threat to public health on a global scale and it has been linked to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Makaris E, Michas G, Micha R, Gkotsis D, Panotopoulos C, Pisimisis I, Svoronos D, Tsichlis I, Koudounis G, Asimakis G , Zobolos S. Greek socio-economic crisis and incidence of acute myocardial infarction in Southwestern Peloponnese. International Journal of Cardiology, Available online 18 July 2013. Available at:
The potential for dramatic socio-economic crisis to increase cardiac mortality was also shown in Argentina in the beginning of the 00s. In light of the major financial crisis taking place in Greece since 2008, we sought to investigate the possible impact of this crisis on the incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
Makaris E, Michas G, Micha R, Gkotsis D, Panotopoulos C, Pisimisis I, Svoronos D, Tsichlis I, Koudounis G, Asimakis G , Zobolos S.