Identifying patient-level health and social care costs for older adults discharged from acute medical units in England
Acute medical units allow for those who need admission to be correctly identified, and for those who could be managed in ambulatory settings to be discharged. However, re-admission rates for older people following discharge from acute medical units are high and may be associated with substantial health and social care costs.
Franklin M, Berdunov V, Edmans J, Conroy S, Gladman J, Tanajewski L, Gkountouras G, Elliott RA. Identifying patient-level health and social care costs for older adults discharged from acute medical units in England. Age Ageing. 2014 Sep;43(5):703-7. Available at:
Objective: identifying patient-level health and social care costs for older people discharged from acute medical units in England.
Design: a prospective cohort study of health and social care resource use.
Setting: an acute medical unit in Nottingham, England.
Participants: four hundred and fifty-six people aged over 70 who were discharged from an acute medical unit within 72 h of admission.
Methods: hospitalisation and social care data were collected for 3 months post-recruitment. In Nottingham, further approvals were gained to obtain data from general practices, ambulance services, intermediate care and mental healthcare. Resource use was combined with national unit costs.
Results: costs from all sectors were available for 250 participants. The mean (95% CI, median, range) total cost was £1926 (1579–2383, 659, 0–23,612). Contribution was: secondary care (76.1%), primary care (10.9%), ambulance service (0.7%), intermediate care (0.2%), mental healthcare (2.1%) and social care (10.0%). The costliest 10% of participants accounted for 50% of the cost.
Conclusions: this study highlights the costs accrued by older people discharged from acute medical units (AMUs): they are mainly (76%) in secondary care and half of all costs were incurred by a minority of participants (10%).
Franklin M, Berdunov V, Edmans J, Conroy S, Gladman J, Tanajewski L, Gkountouras G, Elliott RA.