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Self-management support needs of patients with chronic illness: do needs for support differ according to the course of illness?

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 31/01/2014 12:36

To determine whether chronically ill patients' needs for self-management support depend on their course of illness.

van Houtum L, Rijken M, Heijmans M, Groenewegen P. Self-management support needs of patients with chronic illness: do needs for support differ according to the course of illness?. Patient Educ Couns. 2013 Dec;93(3):626-32. Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0738399113003467




Cross-sectional and longitudinal linear regression analyses were conducted using data from 1300 patients with chronic disease(s) who participated in a nationwide Dutch panel-study. Self-management support needs were assessed by the Patient Assessment of Self-management Tasks questionnaire (PAST). Course of illness was operationalized as: illness duration, patients' perception of the course of illness and changes in self-rated general health (RAND-36).


Self-management support needs are not related to illness duration. Patients who perceive their illness as episodic and/or progressively deteriorating have greater self-management support needs than patients who perceive their illness as stable. Deterioration of self-rated health is related to increased support needs. The effect of the course of illness on support needs depends on the type of self-management activities.


How chronically ill patients perceive the course of illness and actual changes in self-rated health are predictive for their need for support for self-management activities. Illness duration is not.


Helping patients to self-manage should not be confined to the first years after diagnosis. Healthcare providers should be alert to patients' own perceptions of their course of illness and health status.

van Houtum L, Rijken M, Heijmans M, Groenewegen P.
