Preventing Chronic Disease Strategic Plan 2013-2016

The Preventing Chronic Disease Strategic Plan is the roadmap for our work from 2013 to 2016. It will enable us to build on what has been achieved under the Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease, which guides the Agency’s investments in healthy living and chronic disease prevention. The Plan reinforces our core mandate of surveillance, building the evidence on what works in chronic disease prevention, and working with our partners to apply what works in practice and to develop and test innovations that address complex health issues.
Preventing Chronic Disease Strategic Plan 2013-2016. Ontario: Public health Agency of Canadá; 2012. Available at:
Tracking Trends and Filling Gaps
The Agency has a unique role in collecting data from across the country to create a national picture of trends in disease and injury in Canada. Over the next three years, we will enhance our surveillance activities to ensure we provide timely, relevant information and analysis to our stakeholders to inform public health action on chronic disease and injury prevention. We will fill gaps in autism surveillance, expand work in mental health and mental illness surveillance, and use the results of the National Population Health Study on Neurological Conditions as a basis for ongoing surveillance.
Healthy Weights: A Priority for Preventing Chronic Disease
We work with a wide range of partners in Canada to invest in initiatives that support people in achieving healthy weights and living healthier lives. This work focuses on the risk factors, such as unhealthy eating and physical inactivity, that are shared by major chronic diseases. We use rigorous criteria to identify effective programs and we share this information widely through the Canadian Best Practices Portal, providing a basis for program development in communities. New partnerships are taking shape and illustrate the momentum and enthusiasm among all sectors to support healthy living. In the future, we will continue to build our partnership approach and invest in innovative ways to prevent chronic disease and injury.
Targeting Specific Diseases
While we take action on the risks that are common to major chronic diseases, we also focus on specific diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory diseases to respond to their unique nature. We fill information gaps by conducting surveillance on specific diseases, developing tools for people to assess their risk of disease, and bolstering disease prevention initiatives at the community level. In the future, we will continue to focus on opportunities to work on these diseases with current and new partners.
Putting Evidence into Action
Developing and sharing credible knowledge and information are priorities so that our stakeholders’ efforts are supported by the most up-to-date evidence about disease and injury trends and ‘what works’ in chronic disease and injury prevention. Over the next three years, we will broaden the range of information provided and share it more widely and effectively, by maximizing our use of technology.
Supporting our Workforce: Results for Canadians
We strive to be a workplace where our highly-skilled, dedicated people are valued, where they have a sense of pride and belonging, and where they can be engaged in interesting and dynamic careers. Continuing to support our employees is an essential part of this Plan.
These and other important aspects of the Agency’s role in addressing chronic disease and injuries in Canada and around the world are set out in the Preventing Chronic Disease Strategic Plan 2013-2016.
Please contact to receive a copy of the Plan.
Public health Agency of Canadá
Norte América