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Chronic disease multimorbidity transitions across healthcare interfaces and associated costs: a clinical-linkage database study

Vivian Vivian Benítez Hidalgo last modified 24/07/2013 10:29

The article's objective is to investigate multimorbidity transitions from general practice populations across healthcare interfaces and the associated healthcare costs.

Kadam UT, Uttley J, Jones PW, Iqbal Z. Chronic disease multimorbidity transitions across healthcare interfaces and associated costs: a clinical-linkage database study. BMJ Open [Internet]. 2013 Jul 1 [cited 2013 Jul 24];3(7). Available from: http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/3/7/e003109


Specific common multimorbid pairs are associated with higher healthcare transitions and differential costs. Identification of multimorbidity type and linkage of information across interfaces provides opportunities for targeted intervention and delivery of integrated care.

Kadam UT, Uttley J, Jones PW, Iqbal Z.
