Prevalence of multiple chronic conditions among medicare beneficiaries, United States, 2010.

The increase in chronic health conditions among Medicare beneficiaries has implications for the Medicare system. The objective of this study was to use the US Department of Health and Human Services Strategic Framework on multiple chronic conditions as a basis to examine the prevalence of multiple chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries.
Lochner KA, Cox CS. Prevalence of multiple chronic conditions among medicare beneficiaries, United States, 2010. Prev Chronic Dis. 2013;10:E61.
The prevalence of multiple chronic conditions among the Medicare fee-for-service population varies across demographic groups. Multiple chronic conditions appear to be more prevalent among women, particularly non-Hispanic black and Hispanic women, and among beneficiaries eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Our findings can help public health researchers target prevention and management strategies to improve care and reduce costs for people with multiple chronic conditions.
Lochner KA, Cox CS.
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