Home care across Europe. Current structure and future challenges

For every person over the age of 65 in todays European Union, there are four people of working age but, by 2050, there will only be two. Demand for long-term care, of which home care forms a significant part, will inevitably increase in the decades to come.
Genet N, Boerma W, Kroneman M, Hutchinson A, Saltman RB. Home care across Europe. Current structure and future challenges. Observatory Studies Series. 2012; (27). Available at: http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/181799/e96757.pdf
Despite the importance of the issue, however, up-to-date and comparative information on home care in Europe is lacking. This book attempts to fill some of that gap by examining current European policy on home care services and strategies.
Home care across Europe probes a wide range of topics including the links between social services and health-care systems, the prevailing funding mechanisms, how service providers are paid, the impact of governmental regulation, and the complex roles played by informal caregivers.
Genet N, Boerma W, Kroneman M, Hutchinson A, Saltman RB.
- European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Organization