Action Plan for EIP AHA: B3 Integrated Care

The B3 Action Group on Integrated Care was established to develop a response to the challenges set by the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership for Healthy and Active Ageing. Today it has 144 participants representing regions, sub-national administrations, delivery organisations, patient / user and carer organisations, academic institutions, industry and members organisations.
Action Plan for EIP AHA: B3 Integrated Care. Brussels: European Commission; 2012. Available at:
The Group has delivered a realistic but challenging Action Plan designed to encourage, enthuse and inspire health and social care providers, along with industry and academia, to collaborate with patients, service users and carers to form partnerships to deliver innovative service redesign. This work will be underpinned by a commitment to patient / user empowerment, education and training for all stakeholders (workforce, patients / users and carers), supported by technology, where safe and effective to do so.
European Commission
action groups, action plan, care and cure, chronic care , chronic disease, integrated care, remote monitoring
- Primary care, institutional services and integrated management processes Collaborative document
- European Commission Organization