Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases: Guidelines for Primary Health Care in Low Resource Settings

The primary goal of the guideline is to improve the quality of care and the outcome in people with type 2 diabetes in low-resource settings. The guideline provides a basis for development of simple algorithms for management of diabetes with essential medicines and technology available in first-contact health services in low-resource settings. It recommends a set of basic interventions to integrate management of diabetes into primary health care.
Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases: Guidelines for Primary Health Care in Low Resource Settings. New York: World Health Organization (WHO); 2012. Available at:
The recommendations are limited to patients with type 2 diabetes, as the more complex management of type 1 diabetes requires more specialized care.
The target users are health care professionals responsible for developing diabetes treatment protocols which will be used by health care staff in primary care units in low-resource settings. A guideline development group was constituted, which included external experts and WHO staff.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Norte América
asthma, chronic disease, chronic obstructive, delivery of health care, developing countries, diabetes mellitus type 2, guidelines, oms, prevention and control, primary health care, pulmonary disease, who, world health organization
- World Health Organization (WHO) Organization