Designing and implementing telemonitoring for early detection of deterioration in chronic disease: Defining the requirements
Patients with chronic disease may suffer frequent acute deteriorations and associated increased risk of hospitalisation. Earlier detection of these could enable successful intervention, improving patients' well-being and reducing costs; however, current telemonitoring systems do not achieve this effectively. We conducted a qualitative study using stakeholder interviews to define current standards of care and user requirements for improved early detection telemonitoring.
Peirce SC, Hardisty AR, Preece AD, Elwyn G. Designing and implementing telemonitoring for early detection of deterioration in chronic disease: Defining the requirements. Health Informatics Journal. 2011; 17(3): 173-190. Available at:
They determined that early detection is not a concept that has informed technology or service design and that telemonitoring is driven by the available technology rather than by users' needs. They have described a set of requirements questions to inform the design and implementation of telemonitoring systems and suggested the research needed to develop successful early detection telemonitoring. User-centred design and genuine interdisciplinary approaches are needed to create solutions that are fit for purpose, sustainable and address the real needs of patients, clinicians and healthcare organisations.
Peirce SC, Hardisty AR, Preece AD, Elwyn G.
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