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Telemonitoring Increases Patient Awareness of Health and Prompts Health-Related Action: Initial Evaluation of the TELE-ERA Study.

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 29/07/2011 13:06

Telemonitoring is being increasingly used for chronic disease monitoring. Understanding elderly patients' feelings and perspectives toward telemonitoring is important to minimize any barriers to implementation in this population.

Pecina JL, Vickers KS, Finnie DM, Hathaway JC, Hanson GJ, Takahashi PY. Telemonitoring Increases Patient Awareness of Health and Prompts Health-Related Action: Initial Evaluation of the TELE-ERA Study. Telemed J E Health. 2011; 17(6). Disponible en:



Twenty Tele-Era Trial participants completed qualitative interviews assessing opinions about their telemonitoring experience. Participants also rated telemonitoring on burden, communication with clinicians, impact on medical condition knowledge, and confidence in using the monitor.


On an average, participants rated telemonitoring as minimally burdensome, rated themselves confident in using the monitor, and positively rated telemonitoring for clinical communication. Qualitative analysis revealed a predominant theme that telemonitoring increases patient awareness of their health and also that telemonitoring prompts action.

Conclusion: E

lderly patients find home telemonitoring to be an acceptable and satisfying experience that can increase their awareness of their health and provide a sense of safety in their home. Home telemonitoring can lead to earlier evaluation of decline in health status.

Telemedicine and e-Health
