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Chronic diseases A clinical and managerial challenge

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 21/06/2011 12:45

This report reflects the best experiences of the Agora 2010 edition, focused on hospital management of chronic disease.

Chronic diseases A clinical and managerial challenge. HOPE - European Hospital and Healthcare Federation. 2010 [acceso 25 de abril de 2011]. Disponible en: http://www.hope.be/05eventsandpublications/docpublications/84_chronic-diseases/84_HOPE_Publication-Chronic_diseases-October_2010.pdf?



HOPE report “Chronic diseases, a clinical and managerial challenge” discusses those new paradigms of healthcare delivery across Europe, and the way they ensure more effective care for patients and more efficient use of resources in the entire system.

HOPE - European Hospital and Healthcare Federation
