Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions: Building Blocks for Action

This global report states that health care systems around the world must reorganize their health care to meet the rising burden of chronic conditions. It alerts decision-makers throughout the world about these important changes in global health, and presents health care solutions for managing this rising burden.
WHO. Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions: Building Blocks for Action. Geneva: World Health Organization(WHO); 2002. Available at:
The report presents a “road map” for countries and health systems to update their health care to meet the needs of chronic conditions. The proposed building blocks of the Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Framework are relevant for both prevention and disease-management in health care settings. Recommendations are given for improving the quality of patient interactions, organization of health care, community involvement, policy and financing systems.
World Health Organization(WHO)
chronic care , chronic conditions, community involvement, financing systems, innovative care, policy
- World Health Organization (WHO) Organization